Happy 7th Vana'versary! Adventurer Appreciation Campaign Back With a Vengeance! (05/01/2009)

From FFXI Wiki

Happy 7th Vana'versary! Adventurer Appreciation Campaign Back With a Vengeance! (05/01/2009)


Seven years... That's right folks—seven glorious years have zipped by at the speed of a race-bred chocobo since adventurers began stepping forth into the wilds of Vana'diel. This year, as in the past, we will be holding the Adventurer Appreciation Campaign as a way to express the incalculable feelings of gratitude we harbor for all the loyal and stalwart adventurers out there. And to make this year's celebration even more festive than previous occasions, there are plans for—

Hm? That moogle over there with her head in a turban is gesturing for me to shut my trap like there's no tomorrow. I guess I'd best leave the rest to the professionals...

Proceed here to lend an ear to the overexcited moogle's spiel.