Sardine Sphere

From FFXI Wiki
Sardine Sphere icon.png Sardine sphere
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A ball of ground sardine mixed with grains specifically added to attract fish inhabiting freshwater lakes and ponds.
Image: Sardine Sphere description.png
Type: Item
Stack size: 12
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Others ➞ Misc. 1
"Find Sardine Sphere on FFXIAH" "Find Sardine Sphere on FFXIDB"

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Ceciliotte Western Adoulin - (J-9) 300 Bayld when Inventors' Coalition is in possession of the Second Floor

270 Bayld when Inventors' Coalition is in possession of the Bay Roof

Used in the following Mog Garden Geological Locations
Location Name Notes
Pond Dredger Adds 1 additional item from the Normal list.