Shadows of the Mind

From FFXI Wiki
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Battlefield Information
Location: Jade Sepulcher Level Restriction: Uncapped
Entry Item: Secret Imperial order Participation: 6 Members
Entry Currency: 3,000 Imperial Standing Time Limit: 30 Minutes


Name Qty Notes
Phantom Puk (Lvl. 76)
Puk (WAR)
(~14,725 HP)

Has a unique move called Boreas Mantle which summons 4 clones.
Uses all Puk moves including White Wind which wakes up the clones.
Gains a regain effect on Winds or Lights day.
Also gains 1,000 TP for any elemental damage dealt matching the day. Including Reprisal spikes on Lightsday.

Susceptible to: Addle, Bind, Blind, Lullaby, Repose, Stun, Slow, Paralyze, and Poison.
Immune to: Break, Gravity, Requiem, Sleep

Phantom Puk (Clone) (Lvl. 76)
Puk (WAR)
(650 HP)

Spawns at the same HP% as the main Phantom Puk.
Immune to Sleep. Very susceptible to Lullaby and Repose.
Low attack delay.
Summoned every 1 minute with the use of Boreas Mantle.
Despawns after 30 seconds.
Takes triple damage.

Share the same immunities as the main Phantom Puk.


  • Players should avoid fighting on Windsday and Lightsday. As puks gain regain during this time.
    • This would increase the usage of White Wind that wakes all clones.