Fetich Torso

From FFXI Wiki
Fetich Torso icon.png Quadav fetich torso
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: This appears to be the torso of a brass fetich used in Quadav magic.
Image: Fetich Torso description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Rare
Stack size: 1
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Others ➞ Beast-made
"Find Fetich Torso on FFXIAH" "Find Fetich Torso on FFXIDB"

Used in the following Missions
Mission Name Notes
Fetichism Bastok Mission (1-3)

Used in the following Item Upgrades
Item Name Notes
Escutcheon Desynthed into crafting spheres for the Escutcheon questline.

Synthesis Information
Yield Requirements Ingredients

Main Craft: All Crafts - (1)
Key Item: Reassembling technique