Category:Prime Weapons

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Voracious Resurgence6-3-2.png

The Prime Weapons are a variety of Ultimate Weapon that were teased during the early development of The Voracious Resurgence.

They were first implemented in the September 2022 Version Update, but only their beginning stage was accessible.

The second stage was implemented in the November 2022 Version Update, while the final three stages were added in the May 2023 Version Update (Part 2).

Once a weapon has been upgraded to stage 3 a unique weapon skill becomes available only while in Sortie.

Once a weapon has been upgraded to stage 4 you will be able to use the weapon skill anywhere.

On stage 4 the Diaphanous Gadget #? will let you select Hard Mode Aminon.

Finishing a Prime Weapon requires a minimum of 6 months since you can only obtain 5 Voracious Psyche per month.

Prime Weapons

After completing The Voracious Resurgence Mission 9-4 "The Prime Weapons" (and speaking to Oggbi), you can talk to Gama-Shama to purchase base Prime Weapons for 10,000 Gallimaufry each.

Subsequent stages are acquired by upgrading the prior stage with Gama-Shama in the Silver Knife as shown below.

Weapon Weapon Skill Weapon Type Jobs Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Varga Purnikawa (Level 119 III) icon.png Varga Purnikawa Maru Kala Hand-to-Hand MNK / PUP Prime Fists icon.png Prime Fists

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Varga Purnikawa (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Varga Purnikawa (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Varga Purnikawa (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Varga Purnikawa (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Mpu Gandring (Level 119 III) icon.png Mpu Gandring Ruthless Stroke Dagger RDM / THF / BRD / DNC Prime Dagger icon.png Prime Dagger

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Mpu Gandring (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Mpu Gandring (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Mpu Gandring (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Mpu Gandring (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Caliburnus (Level 119 III) icon.png Caliburnus Imperator Sword RDM / PLD / BLU Prime Sword icon.png Prime Sword

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Caliburnus (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Caliburnus (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Caliburnus (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Caliburnus (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Helheim (Level 119 III) icon.png Helheim Fimbulvetr Great Sword WAR / PLD / DRK / RUN Prime Blade icon.png Prime Blade

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Helheim (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Helheim (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Helheim (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Helheim (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Spalirisos (Level 119 III) icon.png Spalirisos Blitz Axe BST Prime Pickaxe icon.png Prime Pickaxe

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Spalirisos (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Spalirisos (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Spalirisos (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Spalirisos (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Laphria (Level 119 III) icon.png Laphria Disaster Great Axe WAR Prime Great Axe icon.png Prime Great Axe

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Laphria (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Laphria (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Laphria (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Laphria (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Foenaria (Level 119 III) icon.png Foenaria Origin Scythe DRK Prime Scythe icon.png Prime Scythe

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Foenaria (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Foenaria (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Foenaria (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Foenaria (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Gae Buide (Level 119 III) icon.png Gae Buide Diarmuid Polearm DRG Prime Lance icon.png Prime Lance

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Gae Buide (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Gae Buide (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Gae Buide (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Gae Buide (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Dokoku (Level 119 III) icon.png Dokoku Zesho Meppo Katana NIN Genshitanto icon.png Genshitanto

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Dokoku (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Dokoku (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Dokoku (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Dokoku (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Kusanagi (Level 119 III) icon.png Kusanagi Tachi: Mumei Great Katana SAM Genshito icon.png Genshito

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Kusanagi (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Kusanagi (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Kusanagi (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Kusanagi (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Lorg Mor (Level 119 III) icon.png Lorg Mor Dagda Club WHM / GEO Prime Maul icon.png Prime Maul

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Lorg Mor (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Lorg Mor (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Lorg Mor (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Lorg Mor (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Opashoro (Level 119 III) icon.png Opashoro Oshala Staff BLM / SMN / SCH Prime Staff icon.png Prime Staff

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Opashoro (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Opashoro (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Opashoro (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Opashoro (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Pinaka (Level 119 III) icon.png Pinaka Sarv Archery RNG Prime Bow icon.png Prime Bow

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Pinaka (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Pinaka (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Pinaka (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Pinaka (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Earp (Level 119 III) icon.png Earp Terminus Marksmanship RNG / COR Prime Gun icon.png Prime Gun

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Earp (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Earp (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Earp (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Earp (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Duban (Level 119 III) icon.png Duban ---x--- Shield PLD Prime Shield icon.png Prime Shield

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Duban (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Duban (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Duban (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Duban (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Loughnashade (Level 119 III) icon.png Loughnashade Aria of Passion
Instrument BRD Prime Horn icon.png Prime Horn

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eks.gif No Item

Loughnashade (Incomplete) icon.png "Incomplete"

10,000 Gallimaufry
Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrite x1

Loughnashade (Level 119) icon.png "Level 119"

1,000,000 Gallimaufry
Octahedrite icon.png Octahedrite x2
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x5

Loughnashade (Level 119 II) icon.png "Level 119 II"

2,500,000 Gallimaufry
Hexahedrite icon.png Hexahedrite x3
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x10

Loughnashade (Level 119 III) icon.png "Level 119 III"

5,000,000 Gallimaufry
Mesosiderite icon.png Mesosiderite x4
Voracious Psyche icon.png Voracious Psyche x15

Note: You cannot get two of the same Prime Weapon, even if the stages are different. For example, you cannot have both a Lorg Mor club at stage 3 and a Prime Club at stage 1 (keeping the "anti-sleep" feature of stage 1/2). You also cannot trick the NPC into giving you a stage 1 if you have thrown your other weapon away but wanted to pull it from the Recycle Bin.

Pages in category "Prime Weapons"

The following 101 pages are in this category, out of 101 total.