Category:Apex Monster

From FFXI Wiki

Apex Party.png

True to their name, Apex monsters are high level and high HP foes which yield a high quantity of Capacity Points. This makes them some of the best targets for players to gain Job Points.

Apex foes are found in various dungeon zones. These same dungeons have nearly no penalty for grouping up to gain Capacity Points in them. Unlike outside, where adding party members (trusts excluded) will noticeably reduce the total points gained per monster. Apex monsters can now be found in various regions all across Vana'diel.

Players will usually group up and form a "CP party" with friends, linkshell members, or a random "shout group" (PUG).
While it is quite possible to solo Capacity Points on Apex mobs using Trusts; it is suboptimal due to the greatly diminished returns when not in a group. This is due to potential overcrowding as well as slower kill speed, and thus a greater chance at not receiving the bonus from the Capacity Points Chain. It is considered rude by much of the community, especially during months where a Capacity Point Chain Campaign is in effect.
During months where a Capacity Point Chain Campaign is active, forming groups with other players should be prioritized whenever possible.

Locus Monsters are effectively equivalent to Apex Monsters except for the fact they have higher HP, and reward 20% more Exemplar Points.

Before Earning Capacity Points

Capacity Point Bonuses

You can increase the amount of Capacity Points you earn by gaining Capacity Point Bonuses through a variety of methods, such as completing story Missions, participating in Reives, Rings that provide a temporary Capacity Bonuses, or during monthly Adventurer Campaigns. Players wishing to earn Job Points should consider these options to increase their Capacity Point Bonuses before setting out to earn CP, as these will make accumulation much quicker.

Apex Strategies

Several strategies are common while dealing with Apexes. This will depend on not only which jobs are available to the group, but the jobs players wish to CP on.
Points may only be gained for the current job being used and are not shareable like Merit Points are.

Magic Burst

Most commonly occurring in Dho Gates as Crabs provide Aspir fodder, and are of a decent difficulty more often for average shout members. Almost no monsters after these Crabs have an MP pool to utilize.
Typically these setups involve a pair of DDs to create skillchains to burst, a GEO, and a combination of support and nukers.

  • However, a COR or SMN (ideally Shiva for Avatar's Favor) works as well. Ideally you should defeat the mob in a single MB volley. Mages may use a high tier nuke then burst again with a weaker nuke.
  • Keep in mind how SDT tiers change from skillchains and multiple skillchains.

See also: Magic Accuracy Food.


More common, and often more viable against a large array of targets are skillchain style apex parties. Where multiple skillchains from powerful weapon skills are coordinated between DDs.
Players will want to aim for a level 2 skillchain, into a level 3, and then a level 4.

  • See the Skillchain page for information on skillchaining.
  • A tool like FFXI Calc may be very useful to you for finding skillchains without as much work.
  • Each weapon type page on the wiki or the Weapon Skills page itself has the skillchain elements listed.
  • While using level 2 properties together to create the first level 2 skillchain is convenient. Often times you will be stuck looking at the secondary/level 1 properties of a weaponskill

For example, a party of DRG, THF, PLD, BRD or COR, GEO, WHM against Apex Bats in Dho Gates.

  • BRD or COR buffs and pulls then sleeps while the PLD tanks. You don't even really need a tank *. Defense Food works well too in this role with proper buffs/debuffs.
  • COR is ideal for Allies' Roll, but it shouldn't matter too much really.
  • You could also run this with another job like RDM magic bursting each step or even meleeing, skillchaining, and magic bursting at the end if need be. Don't forget about Inundation.
  • While you can't put a price on the sweetness of capping attack via Geo-Frailty, decent/good DDs with Allies' Roll against Dho or even Woh gates targets (gear, targets, and buffs depending) shouldn't require this to down a mob given Dia II/III and other buffs from jobs like BRD or SMN.

Parties may even form magically based strategies where Geo-Malaise is used for something like Leaden Salute as powerful a Dark SC Icon.png Dark SC closer to multiple physical weapon skills. There could even be a player there to magic burst after the fact if desired or necessary, given the buffs in this example.

Capacity Point Party Notes

Jobs that aren't typically known for their damage dealing (such as PLD) can be better off setting NIN or DNC as a support job with two weapons in order to help open or close Skillchains, depending on the overall strategy set up. Melee jobs should focus primarily on TP accumulation, with options such as Double Attack, Store TP, Haste, and Accuracy.
Mage-type jobs should focus on increasing their Magic Burst Damage, providing the party with beneficial effects, debuffing the mob's defense and resistances, and decreasing down-time.

Party optimization often isn't required for any but the toughest of Apex monsters; and even then, every job is capable of functioning within a CP PT, provided that they are prepared and fill a needed role in the group's strategy (e.g. overbuffed melee group kills, magic bursting, multistep SCing, etc). Good teamwork and going in with a plan will make any group successful when fighting tough Apex and Locus monsters.

If you are a newer player to Capacity Points; consider soloing Moh and Sih Gates to get the feel for it.
Then form small parties with friends or random people and fill empty slots with trusts.
If you want to join a CP PT but are unfamiliar with the party set up, be up front with the party leader and explain what concerns you might have. If you invite someone who is not familiar with CP PTs and may not have the correct set up, explain to them what they should know.

Trial of the Magians

Apex and Locus enemies make good targets to complete Trial of the Magians that require the usage of a number of Weapon Skills.

  • Arcana
  • Dragons
  • Demons

Moh Gates

Moh Gates
Levels 125-127
Recommended Entrance
Morimar Basalt Fields
  • Frontier Station
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Eft WAR 17 Eks.gif 1,029
Apex Eruca WAR 10 Check.gif Sound 1,029
Apex Matamata WAR 9 Check.gif Sound 1,029
Apex Raptor WAR 10 Check.gif Sound 1,029
Updated marked map moh gates map 1.jpeg

Updated marked map moh gates map 1.jpeg

← Eruca x5
Eruca ↓x5

← Eft x17


← Raptor x10
← Matamata x9

}} }}

Sih Gates

Sih Gates
Levels 125-127
Recommended Entrance
Foret de Hennetiel
  • Frontier Station Bivouac
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Chapuli WAR 14 Check.gif Sight 1,029
Apex Jagil WAR 10 Eks.gif 1,029
Apex Leech WAR 19 Check.gif Sound 1,029
Apex Mandragora MNK 16 Check.gif Sound 1,049
Updated marked map sih gates map 1.jpeg

Updated marked map sih gates map 1.jpeg

← Mandragora x8
← Leech x6
Chapuli x6
Jagil x10
← Leech x5
Leech x8 ↓
Chapuli x8
Mandragora ↑ x8

Dho Gates

Dho Gates
Levels 128-130
Dho Gates Zone 2.png
Recommended Entrance
Foret de Hennetiel
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Bats WAR 27 Check.gif Sound 1113
Apex Crab PLD 25 Check.gif Sound 1113
Apex Craklaw WAR 14 Check.gif Sound 1113
Apex Jagil WAR 15 Check.gif Sound 1113
Updated marked map dho gates map 1.jpeg

Updated marked map dho gates map 1.jpeg

← All Mobs x1

Woh Gates

Woh Gates
Levels 131-133
Woh Gates Zone.png
Recommended Entrance
Marjami Ravine
  • Bivouac #4
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Jagil WAR 29 Eks.gif 1,203
Apex Toad WAR 18 Eks.gif 1,203
Velkk Abyssal DRK 6 Check.gif Sight 1,203
Velkk Junglemancer BLM 6 Check.gif Sight 1,192
Velkk Mindmelter RDM 2 Check.gif Sight 1,192
Velkk Tearlicker WAR 4 Check.gif Sight 1,203
Updated marked map woh gates.jpeg

Updated marked map woh gates.jpeg


Outer Ra'Kaznar

Outer Ra'Kaznar
Levels 134-136
Outer Ra'Kaznar Zone.jpg
Recommended Entrance
Enigmatic Waypoint
  • Outer Ra'Kaznar
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Bat WAR 16 Eks.gif 1,294
Apex Twitherym WAR 16 Eks.gif 1,282
Apex Ironclad WAR 4 Check.gif Sight Sound 1,294
Updated marked map outer ra'kaznar map 2.jpeg

Updated marked map outer ra'kaznar map 1.jpeg

Updated marked map outer ra'kaznar map 2.jpeg

  • Twitheryms at E12 (2nd floor).
  • Bats (single) at D5 (2nd floor).
  • Ironclads: 2 at each of the camps above.
    • Neither the Bats nor Twitherym aggro or link at all.
    • Ironclads aggro from 10' sound/7.5' sight, but the room is huge and they're typically tucked in a corner, so you'll have more than enough space to avoid them.

Ra'Kaznar Inner Court

Ra'Kaznar Inner Court
Levels 137-139
Ra'Kaznar Inner Court Zone.jpg
Recommended Entrance
Ra'Kaznar Inner Court
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Bats WAR 6 Check.gif Sound 1,384
Apex Bhoot BLM 18 Check.gif Sound HP 1,384
Apex Cyhiraeth BLM 13 Check.gif Sound HP 1,359
Apex Draugar BLM
18 Check.gif Sound HP 1,359
Apex Poxhound WAR 10 Check.gif Sound HP 1,384
Apex Umbril WAR 22 Check.gif Sight Magic 1,384
Apex Vodoriga WAR 12 Check.gif Sight 1,384 (Ground)
1,454 (Flying)
Disheveled Naraka WAR 2 Check.gif Sound HP 1,384
Enigmatic Vampyr WAR 1 Check.gif Sight Sound HP 1,384
Inimical Corse BLM 2 Check.gif Sound HP 1,384
Powercrazed Dvergr BLM 2 Check.gif Sight Magic Verification Needed 1,359
Updated marked map ra'kaznar inner court map 1.jpeg

Updated marked map ra'kaznar inner court map 1.jpeg

Updated marked map ra'kaznar inner court map 2.jpeg

  • All the Apexes are located at the northern parts of both map 1 and 2.
    • The fastest, most direct route is via the Moh Gates teleportation crystal. Enter Moh Gates from Morimar Basalt Fields north of Bivouac #5, and zone in from (I-6).
    • Alternatively, use porter B and/or C to get to them coming from the Ra'Kaznar Inner Court Home Point.
  • Apex Poxhound can be found at (J-3) of Map 1.
  • Apex Draugar can be found at (K-2) of Map 1.

Promyvion - Mea

Promyvion - Mea
Levels 139-142
Promyvion - Mea header.jpg
Recommended Entrance
Tahrongi Canyon I-6
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Idle Drifter WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542 (Normal)
1,582 (Mirage)
Apex Woeful Lamenter WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542
Apex Livid Rager WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542
Promyvion - Mea-Apexmap.jpg

Promyvion - Mea-Apexmap.jpg

Promyvion - Mea-Apexmap.jpg

  • There are camps on every floor. Apex Idle Drifters still gain elemental resistances and weaknesses based on their Core color. Mob level does not seem to increase based how high of a floor you go to. Apex Livid Ragers are not plentiful and seem to only be sporadically placed among Drfiters on higher floors.

Promyvion - Holla

Promyvion - Holla
Levels 139-142
Promyvion - Holla header.jpg
Recommended Entrance
La Theine Plateau J-8
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Idle Drifter WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542 (Normal)
1,582 (Mirage)
Apex Woeful Lamenter WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542
Apex Livid Rager WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542
Promyvion - Holla-Apexmap.jpg

Promyvion - Holla-Apexmap.jpg

Promyvion - Holla-Apexmap.jpg

  • Holla does not have camps on either segment of Floor 3. Refer to the zone map's marked spawn areas in red. Apex Idle Drifters still gain elemental resistances and weaknesses based on their Core color. Mob level does not seem to increase based how high of a floor you go to. Apex Woeful Lamenters are not plentiful and seem to only be sporadically placed among Drfiters on higher floors.

Promyvion - Dem

Promyvion - Dem
Levels 139-142
Promyvion - Dem header.jpg
Recommended Entrance
Konschtat Highlands I-7
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Idle Drifter WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542 (Normal)
1,582 (Mirage)
Apex Woeful Lamenter WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542
Apex Livid Rager WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542
Promyvion - Dem-Apexmap.jpg

Promyvion - Dem-Apexmap.jpg

Promyvion - Dem-Apexmap.jpg

  • Dem does not have camps on Floor 2 or the smaller segment of Floor 3. Refer to the zone map's marked spawn areas in red. Apex Idle Drifters still gain elemental resistances and weaknesses based on their Core color. Mob level does not seem to increase based how high of a floor you go to. Apex Woeful Lamenters are not plentiful and seem to only be sporadically placed among Drfiters on higher floors.

Promyvion - Vahzl

Promyvion - Vahzl
Levels 139-142
Recommended Entrance
Beaucedine Glacier F-7
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Idle Drifter WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542 (Normal)
1,582 (Mirage)
Apex Woeful Lamenter WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542
Apex Livid Rager WAR Check.gif True Sound 1,542
Promyvion -Vahzl-Apexmap.jpg

Promyvion -Vahzl-Apexmap.jpg

Promyvion -Vahzl-Apexmap.jpg

  • The fastest way there is to take the Survival Guide to Beaucedine Glacier. Go to the Nue tower at F-7. Examine the Iron Grate. Once inside Pso'Xja, go straight and examine the Stone Door. Take the elevator in front of you down. Once at the bottom, examine the Stone Door. Choose "Yes" to enter floor 1 of Promyvion - Vahzl.
  • Vahzl does not have a camp on Floor 3. Refer to the zone map's marked spawn areas in red. Apex Idle Drifters still gain elemental resistances and weaknesses based on their Core color. Mob level does not seem to increase based how high of a floor you go to. Apex Woeful Lamenters are not plentiful and seem to only be sporadically placed among Drfiters on higher floors.

Alzadaal Undersea Ruins

Alzadaal Undersea Ruins
Levels 143-147
Alzadaal Undersea Ruins header.jpg
Recommended Entrance
Alzadaal Undersea Ruins G-8, G-9, H-8, H-9
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Archaic Cog WAR 18 Check.gif True Sound Magic 1,591
Apex Archaic Cogs WAR 18 Check.gif True Sound Magic 1,668
Alzadaal Undersea Ruins Composite Map Larger.png

Alzadaal Undersea Ruins Composite Map Larger.png

Alzadaal Undersea Ruins Composite Map Larger.png

  • Apex Archaic Cog ranges from level 143-145. Apex Archaic Cogs range from level 146-147.
  • There are camps at each Salvage teleport. There will be three rooms all containing ~18 total Apex Archaic Cogs. Taking the side teleporters in each main Remnants entrance will lead to another single room with ~6 spawns.

Crawler's Nest (S)

Crawler's Nest (S)
Levels 129-140
Crawlers' Nest (S) header.jpg
Recommended Entrance
Campaign Warp
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Apex Lugcrawler WAR 3 Check.gif Sound 1,143
Apex Hornfly WAR 41 Check.gif Sound 1,203
Locus Hornfly WAR ? Check.gif Sound ?
Apex Worker Lugcrawler WAR 27 Check.gif Sound 1,233
Locus Worker Lugcrawler WAR ? Check.gif Sound ?
Apex Nest Elytra PLD 6 Check.gif Sight 1,233
Locus Nest Elytra PLD ? Check.gif Sight ?
Apex Dragonfly WAR 33 Check.gif Sound 1,264
Locus Dragonfly WAR ? Check.gif Sound ?
Apex Soldier Lugcrawler WAR 4 Check.gif Sound 1,294
Apex Blazer Elytra PLD 28 Check.gif Sight 1,294
Locus Blazer Elytra PLD ? Check.gif Sight ?
Apex Mycelar WAR 25 Check.gif Sound 1,354
Apex Rumble Lugcrawler WAR 6 Check.gif Sound 1,354
Apex Helm Elytra PLD 12 Check.gif Sight 1,354
Apex Doom Scorpion WAR 6 Check.gif Sound 1,354
Apex Lugcrawler Hunter WAR 6 Check.gif Sound 1,384
Apex Knight Lugcrawler WAR 6 Check.gif Sound 1,423
Apex Water Elemental BLM 2 Check.gif Magic 1,182
Apex Fire Elemental BLM 2 Check.gif Magic 1,182
Crawlers' Nest (S)-map3.jpg

Crawlers' Nest (S)-map3.jpg

  • Apex elementals only spawn during weather.

Locus Monsters

Bhaflau Thickets

Bhaflau Thickets
Levels 133-137
Recommended Entrance
Mount Zhayolm HP-1 or Unity Warp
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Locus Colibri (133-135) RDM 50 Eks.gif 1,273
Locus Wivre (135-137) WAR 11 Eks.gif 1,324
Bhaflau Thickets-map2.jpg

Bhaflau Thickets-map1.jpg

Bhaflau Thickets-map2.jpg

  • Tandjana Islet is split into three sections with the easternmost containing non-Locus Mamool Ja, while the other two have the Locus mobs in them.

King Ranperre's Tomb

King Ranperre's Tomb
Levels 133-137
King Ranperre's Tomb Header.png
Recommended Entrance
Survival Guide Ronfaure
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Locus Tomb Worm (131-133) BLM 10 Eks.gif 1,203
Locus Dire Bat (133-135) WAR 90 Eks.gif 1,264
Locus Armet Beetle (134-136) PLD 16 Eks.gif 1,294
Locus Cutlass Scorpion (135-137) WAR 12 Check.gif Sound 1,324
Locus Hati (135-137) WAR 13 Check.gif Sound HP 1,324
Locus Spartoi Sorcerer (135-137) BLM 17 Check.gif Sound HP 1,300
Locus Spartoi Warrior (135-137) WAR 17 Check.gif Sound HP 1,324
Locus Thousand Eyes (135-137) WAR 10 Check.gif Sound 1,324
Locus Lemures (137-138) BLM 2 Check.gif Sound HP 1,324
King Ranperre's Tomb-map1.jpg

King Ranperre's Tomb-map1.jpg

  • Take the Survival Guide to KRT then walk to H-10 inside the left side maze. Click on the ??? in the middle of the stone platform to enter the next map.

Bibiki Bay

Bibiki Bay
Levels 135-139
Bibiki Bay header.jpg
Recommended Entrance
Survival Guide Kolshushu
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Locus Camelopard (135-137) WAR 22 Eks.gif 1,324
Locus Hypnos Eft (135-137) WAR 23 Eks.gif 1,324
Locus Bight Rarab (135-137) WAR 12 Eks.gif 1,324
Locus Ghost Crab (137-139) RUN 64 Check.gif 1,412
Locus Fiddler Crab (137-139) RUN Lottery Spawn Check.gif 1,412
Bibiki Bay-map1.jpg

Bibiki Bay-map1.jpg

  • Take the Survival Guide to the Bay or the Unity Warp level 119.

Caedarva Mire

Caedarva Mire
Levels 135-139
Recommended Entrance
Unity Teleport - Caedarva Mire
Monsters Job Spawns Aggro Detects 95% Hit Rate
Locus Imp (134-136) BLM 40 Verification Needed Check.gif Lv134: 1,211
Lv135: 1,242
Lv136: 1,271


  • Take the level 135 Unity Warp to Caedarva Mire.
