Leveling and Content Guidance

From FFXI Wiki

New Player Leveling Guide

  • Includes game installation through level 99 player guidance.
  • Recommends which content is appropriate per level.
  • Replaces Levels 1-99 sections of the Quickstart 1-119 Guide

Fantastic EXPs and Where to Find Them

  • Useful at every level.
  • Where to acquire Experience Points, Capacity Points, and Exemplar Points.

Endgame Progression Guide

  • Guidance from freshly turned level 99 through endgame content.
  • Recommends when to attempt each form of iLvl content.
  • Replaces iLvl and Endgame sections of the Quickstart 1-119 Guide


The "Quickstart 1-119 Guide" mentioned above was an older, very popular guide to help new players started as quick as possible with the game.
The guides linked on this page replace it completely. It is no longer available and is only mentioned on this page for historical purposes.