Frazzle III

From FFXI Wiki

Job Points Spell Information "Pages on this wiki that reference this item"
Description: Lowers target's magic evasion.
Type: Black Magic Skill: Enfeebling Magic
Target: Enemy Element: Element: Dark
Casting Time: 4 seconds Recast Time: 6 seconds
Cost: 90MP Duration: 5 minutes
Cumulative Enmity: Question Volatile Enmity: Question
Command: /ma "Frazzle III" <t> Job Points
Spell/Job Level Information
Job Job Point Gift Level
RDM 550


  • This spell reduces the target's magic evasion based on dMND and Enfeebling Skill with this formula:
    • Potency = [Floor(6/21)(Enfeebling Skill - 205)] + Floor(dMND/5); where dMND/5 caps at 0 and 10.
      • Lowest value at ±0 dMND compared to enemy: 0
      • Highest value at +50 dMND compared to enemy: 10
        • When Enfeebling Magic skill is 625, players will reach the highest value of -120 magical evasion. The value from MND above will be added to this.
  • This spell has an innate magic accuracy bonus of +150.
  • Unlike most other black magic spells, this spell relies on player dMND to target dMND for magic accuracy correction rather than dINT.
