Kotatsu Table

From FFXI Wiki
Kotatsu Table icon.png Kotatsu table
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Description: Furnishing: An oaken table imported from the Far East that keeps families warm even during the coldest nights--but binds them to the spot.
Image: Kotatsu Table description.png
Type: Furnishing
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Inscribable
Stack size: 1
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Furnishings
Storage: <Element: Fire STG:1>
Aura Strength: 3
Dimensions: 4x4, Items can be placed on top
Moghancement: Moghancement: Fire
"Find Kotatsu Table on FFXIAH" "Find Kotatsu Table on FFXIDB"

Synthesis Information
Yield Requirements Ingredients

Main Craft: Woodworking - (50)
Sub Craft(s): Clothcraft - (~24)


The dimensions are 4x4, but the graphics on the cushions stick out further than this. That makes it possible to /sit on the cushions. As a downside, it is also possible to place other furnishings on the cushions or bury part of them into a wall if placed adjacent to them.


Kotatsu Appearance.jpg