- Will level up if a skillchain is repeated before using totally different skillchains a certain number of times.
- Maju will use Oppressive Glare if it is not blinded and its eyes will glow orange. During which it:
- Will inflict Terror and Zombie statuses on players facing Maju's gaze. Turning your back before this will prevent this.
- Gains a massive Regen, around 1% per tic.
- Has an effect which causes enmity to become unstable.
- Blind can be used to prevent/take off Oppressive Gaze which is signified by a red
proc when blind lands.
- Benediction also cures through Oppressive Glare as a last resort if your tank becomes inflicted with it.
- Backdraft is a powerful fire
based move which will knock targets back and inflict a powerful Burn DoT and Gravity on those in the AoE.
- AoE is centered on the tank and has a narrow range. Players and Loupans directly behind Maju at ~4.5'+ will be able to avoid this move. This assumes the tank is not standing inside Maju.
- This move can be significantly reduced in damage to a target by using Barfira and other magic evasion buffs.
- This move also will not remove shadows.
- Delta Thrust may occasionally spike in damage dealt to a tank or easily K.O. a mage or DD in general.
- Using shadows, boosting the defense of the target, or reducing Maju's attack power will significantly reduce the potential of this move.
- Melee accuracy caps at ~1700