Prm. Wt. Stewpot

From FFXI Wiki
Prm. Wt. Stewpot icon.png Prime warthog stewpot
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Description: This rendition of one of the most iconic pieces of Vana'dielian cooking could barely get any better. HP+10% (Max. 75) STR+3 MND+1 Attack+10% (Max. 30) Ranged Attack+19% (Max. 60) HP recovered while healing +7
Image: Prm. Wt. Stewpot description.png
Type: Usable Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Usable inside Mog Garden, Inscribable, Can Use, NPC tradable
Stack size: 1
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Food ➞ Meals ➞ Soups
Valid Targets: Self
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