Promathia Mission 8-3

From FFXI Wiki
When Angels Fall
Series Chains of Promathia
Starting NPC N/A
Title Warrior of the Crystal
Repeatable No
Description The Gate of the Gods--the portal leading to the highest level of the palace--has opened. While your companions scramble to reach the audience chamber, you must find which of the five towers will return you into the light...
Previous Mission Next Mission
A Fate Decided Dawn


Garden of Ru'Hmet map 1

Garden of Ru'Hmet map 2

Garden of Ru'Hmet map 3

Garden of Ru'Hmet map 4

  • First, check the Gate of the Gods (next to the Home Point) for a cutscene; otherwise, you will not have access to the upper floors (3-4).

Retrieving your Light

  • You need to climb to the 4th floor of a specific Tower in The Garden of Ru'Hmet, which are located in the 5 points of the map.
  • Note: Once you're on the 4th floor of your Tower, check the Ebon Panel twice. Once for a cutscene and a new title, then a second time for the Key Item of your race.
    • This can be done solo, or with your party, but each person will need to get to the top of their corresponding Tower.

Brands of Dawn and Twilight

  • Go to the central area of The Garden of Ru'Hmet on the first floor.
    • You cannot reach the elevator directly. Instead, you must run around (first East, then North, then West) and access it from the other side.
  • There are four spinning Qn'zdei on each side of the elevator.
    • The doors will remain open as long as the Qn'zdei are on their pedestals.
    • When aggro'd they will move off their pedestal, which causes the door at the far end of the room to close.
    • These Qn'zdei are immune to Sleep, Lullaby, and Repose.
    • While not a challenge at iLvl, you will have to wait 5 minutes for respawn if you run through and kill them all.
    • The larger crest is the Zdei's "eye".
    • The Zdeis only see with the side with the large blue "eye", and they detect by True Sight True Sight only. Therefore, by running along the wall, you only have to avoid detection by 2 of them.

If the door closes, simply kill them and auto-run towards the door and once they respawn you will enter the door.

  • Once in the elevator room, step onto the platform and choose to ascend.
    • Make sure to grab the Home Point in front of the elevator ramp.
  • You must navigate this floor to collect both brands, Twilight and Dawn (Map 2).

Burning Circle Fight

  • Head back to the central elevator and choose to ascend until you reach the 3rd floor in The Garden of Ru'Hmet.
  • Check the Particle Gate for a cutscene.
  • Check it again to enter the BC.
  • You begin the BC at the north end of the room, facing south at the pots.
    • Soloable at level 80+ with Trust. Possible at level 75+, but very difficult. Trivial at Item Level.
    • The exit to this BC is at the south side of the room.
  • The BC is against four Ix'zdei NMs.
    • The two larger ones are RDM type.
    • The two smaller ones are BLM type.
    • All of them are immune to silence and are heavily resistant to sleep.
    • Elemental Seal is required to sleep the NMs.
    • When a pot gets low on HP, it may attempt to flee to its spawn position. If it is allowed to be there a mere few seconds, it will regenerate to full HP.
      • Stun and the use of Weapon Skills may prevent this from happening.
    • The safest place to die is at the door at the southern end of the room near the BLM pots. Wait for the pots to go back to their starting positions before Reraising.
    • Every party member still alive will receive 1,000 Experience Points upon winning.
  • Walk across the empty room and check the Luminous Convergence for a cutscene once you beat the pots.
  • After the fight and the following cutscene, go back to the entrance near the elevator and select the option to exit the Gardens.
    • Run straight ahead to zone into Al'Taieu for a cutscene to finish this Mission and begin the next.