
From FFXI Wiki
Job Ability Information
Job Samurai
Type Merit
Description Share TP above 1000 with a party member.
Range 10.9'
Recast 5:00
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 300
Command /ja "Shikikoyo" <stpc> 
Merit Points
Group 2 Ranks Available 5
Effect of each Rank Increases amount of TP Shared by 12% per rank.


  • Shikikoyo allows a Samurai to transfer any TP acquired over 1,000 to a fellow party member in range.
Example: Soneldar has 3,000 TP and wants to use Shikikoyo on Lutrina, because the opposition never sees Hexa Strike coming. When Soneldar uses Shikikoyo, he has 1,000 TP remaining while Lutrina gains 2,000 TP.


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Sao. Haidate +2 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Saotome Haidate +2 90 Legs Allows the user to retain 10% of the gifted TP per merit level.
Sakonji Haidate icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Sakonji Haidate 99 Legs Allows the user to retain 10% of the gifted TP per merit level.
Sakonji Haidate +1 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Sakonji Haidate +1 99 Legs Allows the user to retain 10% of the gifted TP per merit level.
Sakonji Haidate +2 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Sakonji Haidate +2 99 Legs Allows the user to retain 10% of the gifted TP per merit level.
Sakonji Haidate +3 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Sakonji Haidate +3 99 Legs Allows the user to retain 10% of the gifted TP per merit level.
