Promathia Mission 8-2

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(Redirected from A Fate Decided)
A Fate Decided
Series Chains of Promathia
Starting NPC Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi - Particle Gate - (H-8)
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Nag'molada has descended into the depths of the palace in search of the Chamber of Eventide. Join Prishe in her pursuit of the Kuluu diplomat.
Previous Mission Next Mission
Garden of Antiquity When Angels Fall

Note: You cannot save progress on this Mission. If you wipe without a way to reraise, or otherwise have to quit, you have to start from the beginning. At 99/ilevel the escort takes 30-40 minutes solo.

Note: This Mission is your last chance to finish Rhapsodies of Vana'diel. Once you pass this Mission, Tenzen will be unavailable for Rhapsodies Missions until the final cutscene of Dawn, which includes a Japanese Midnight wait.


  • Examine the eastern Particle Gate at (H-8) in the Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi for a cutscene that starts the Mission. Examine it again to enter.
    • The northern Particle Gate next to the Home Point that sends you to the Garden of Ru'Hmet is the wrong door.
  • The next section requires you to make your way through Hu'Xzoi by escorting the Quasilumin orb-looking NPCs that you might have noticed in Al'Taieu.
    • The Map on this page has detailed directions (the blue line). There is an upper and lower level.
  • On your way through, you will run into Particle Gates that will not open. Find a nearby Cermet Alcove and check it to spawn a Quasilumin NPC (check the map on this page). It will then progress on a pre-determined route. You can stop and start the Quasilumin much like the NPCs found in the escort quests.
  • You have to protect the Quasilumin while it travels to its destination. Keep the Quasilumin alive and it will open Particle Gates along its way. It will eventually reach another Cermet Alcove and once there, check the NPC again and it will open the final gate.
  • On your way through it appears that the only enemies to pose a threat are the shapshifting Ix'ghrah and Eo'ghrah and the Eo'zdei which wait at the end of the first and second escort position.
    • Note: Quasilumins which are not on the move are used to get the map of the Grand Palace. If you talk to all ten, talking to one again will give you a map of this area.

Complete Route

  • Map 1 (Upper Level, M1) (J-8) escort (5 minute limit).
  • Map 1 (L-7) transporter.
  • Map 2 (Basement Level, M2) (L-8) escort (30 minute limit).
  • Map 2 (I-10) escort (30 minute limit).
  • Map 2 (G-12) transporter.
  • Map 1 (G-10) escort (40 minute limit).
    • People who have already completed When Angels Fall can join you at this point by taking the west door from the lobby.
  • Map 1 (G-4) transporter.
  • Continue on to Map 2 (H-8) for the NM fight.

  • Enter the room and examine another Cermet Portal to spawn an Ix'ghrah. It is capable of using all 4 forms: ball, bird, spider, and human.
    • Easily soloable around at level 75 with Trusts, trivial at Item Level.
    • The spider form is easily damaged by both physical and magical attacks, but it is also the most dangerous form to your tank.
    • The bird form is hard to hit with weapons but takes lots of damage from magic.
    • The orb form takes more damage from weapons and less from magic.
      • This form casts -ga III spells based on its element. It uses Manafont and Hexidiscs.
    • The humanoid form doesn’t take much damage at all, but doesn’t do much either.
  • Defeat it, then examine the Cermet Portal again for another cutscene.
  • Return to the palace entrance and examine the Gate of the Gods to enter The Garden of Ru'Hmet.
Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi - Map 1 - Ground Floor
Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi - Map 2 - Basement