Category:Reforged Artifact Armor +3

From FFXI Wiki
Artifact Armor
Original Reforged
Artifact · +1 Reforged · +1 · +2 · +3
Relic Armor
Original Reforged
Relic · +1 · +2 Reforged · +1 · +2 · +3
Empyrean Armor
Original Reforged
Empyrean · +1 · +2 Reforged · +1 · +2 · +3

Reforged Artifact Armor +3 is a category of armor and garb that is further upgraded Reforged Artifact Armor via the NPC Coelestrox in Reisenjima to the final item level 119 version.

This page shows the items required to upgrade your Item Level 119 AF1+2 Armor to it's Item Level 119 +3 version using items from Omen, introduced in the December 2016 version update[1].
Upgrading from the +2 to +3 version requires two separate trading stages over two game days:

  • It takes one game day to complete the first step of the reforging process at a cost of 200 beads on Day 1 and 300 beads for Day 2 for the second step.
    • This wait can be made instant by spending 10,000 beads on Day 1 or 15,000 beads on Day 2.
The items required for each trade are listed below as Day 1 and Day 2.
  • Should you decide to cancel the reforging process before the Day 2 payment, you will lose all traded materials up to that point, but not the armor itself.

As of the March 2017 update[2], Reforged AF +2 and +3 have set bonuses.

  • These bonuses apply even when +2 and +3 set pieces are mixed together, and include the three Regal Accessories that have set bonuses on them. - All bonuses are the same for each job's set:
    • 2 pieces = +15 to Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, and Magic Accuracy
    • 3 pieces = +30 to Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, and Magic Accuracy
    • 4 pieces = +45 to Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, and Magic Accuracy
    • 5+ pieces = +60 to Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, and Magic Accuracy

As of the November 2021 version update, boss scales were added as drops from all Sweetwater foes on every floor of Omen. Additionally, the Key Item Distorted fragment was added as an alternate method to upgrade Artifact Armor to their +3 variant instead of having to defeat one of the three Glassy Mid-Bosses.



White Mage

Black Mage

Red Mage



Dark Knight








Blue Mage






Rune Fencer

Pages in category "Reforged Artifact Armor +3"

The following 134 pages are in this category, out of 134 total.