Category:Giant Gnat

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Giant Gnat)

General Notes
  • Exclusively found as Notorious Monsters.
Giant Gnat
Category-Giant Gnat.jpg
Japanese クロックス
Type Vermin
Related Gnat
Typical Job
Black/White (Melisseus) Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
60% 25% 50% 70% 50% 50% 50% 20%
Blue/Green (Duke Vepar) Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
70% 20% 70% 70% 50% 50% 20% 20%
A: Absorbs · S: Susceptible · R: Resists
During battle some monsters may change resistances.

100% denotates that a monster takes full damage.
Tiers of 50% or less guarantee a spell resist.


Ability Y' Area Target Type Copy Image.png Condition
Viscous Deluge Magical Damage
Applies Bio and various debuffs
Sticky Situation AoE Magical Damage
Magical damage, Plague, Slow, Silence
Mandible Massacre AoE Conal Physical Damage
Physical damage, Paralyze, Doom
Abdominal Assault AoE Conal Physical Damage
Damage, Gravity, TP Reset, Knockback
Flesh Syphon 1P Single Physical Damage
Physical damage, Attribute Absorbtion
Umbral Expunction AoE Magical Damage
Magical damage, damage increases with number of active debuffs
Area: 1P, AoE, Gaze, Conal · Target: Player or Monster
Type: Physical-Magical-Breath-Buff · Element or Damage Type
Copy Image.png: Utsusemi shadows consumed (#), B Bypasses, but does not remove shadows, R Removes all shadows.


Notorious Monster


Event Appearances

Name Event Zone
[[]] [[]] [[]]
Note: See the respective event/zone page. Mob names not listed here due to excess cases (ex: Campaign).
Name Event Zone
[[]] [[]] [[]]
Note: See the respective event/zone page. Mob names not listed here due to excess cases (ex: Campaign).

Pages in category "Giant Gnat"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.