Moogle Amp.

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Moogle Amp. icon.png Moogle amplifier
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Description: A mysterious mechanical device that enhances the potency of moglophones. Increases certain rewards earned within Odyssey.
Image: Moogle Amp. description.png
Type: Usable Item
Flags: Can Use, NPC tradable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive
Stack size: 99
Valid Targets: Self
Activate Time: 1 second "Find Item on FFXIAH" "Find Moogle Amp. on FFXIDB"

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Pilgrim Moogle Rabao 1500 Moogle Segments


  • Grants the Moogle Amplifier status, which increases the number of Reinforcement Points earned in Sheol: Gaol.
    • Effect wears off after earning RP, or after 72 hours.
    • Direct analogue to Abdhaljs Seals.
  • The next fight you earn RP from will receive a bonus amount equal to double the 100% RP amount.
    • The amplifier effect does not wear off until RP is earned.
  • A complete list of RP values you can receive with an amplifier per HP% threshold can be seen below:
Amplifier RP Values
Veng 94% 89% 84% 79% 74% 69% 64% 59% 54% 49% 44% 39% 34% 29% 24% 19% 14% 9% 4% 0%
+1 0 0 0 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 36
+2 0 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 60
+3 0 65 66 67 68 68 69 70 71 72 72 73 74 75 76 76 77 78 79 96
+4 97 98 99 100 102 103 104 105 106 108 109 110 111 112 114 115 116 117 118 144
+5 137 139 141 142 144 146 147 149 151 153 154 156 158 159 161 163 164 166 168 204
+6 178 180 182 184 187 189 191 193 195 198 200 202 204 206 209 211 213 215 217 264
+7 226 229 232 235 238 240 243 246 249 252 254 257 260 263 266 268 271 274 277 336
+8 275 278 282 285 289 292 295 299 302 306 309 312 316 319 323 326 329 333 336 408
+9 332 336 340 344 348 352 356 360 364 369 373 377 381 385 389 393 397 401 405 492
+10 388 393 398 403 408 412 417 422 427 432 436 441 446 451 456 460 465 470 475 576
+11 453 459 464 470 476 481 487 492 498 504 509 515 520 526 532 537 543 548 554 672
+12 526 533 539 546 552 559 565 572 578 585 591 598 604 611 617 624 630 637 643 780
+13 607 615 622 630 637 645 652 660 667 675 682 690 697 705 712 720 727 735 742 900
+14 696 705 713 722 731 739 748 756 765 774 782 791 799 808 817 825 834 842 851 1,032
+15 793 803 813 823 833 842 852 862 872 882 891 901 911 921 931 940 950 960 970 1,176
+16 899 910 921 932 943 954 965 976 987 999 1,010 1,021 1,032 1,043 1,054 1,065 1,076 1,087 1,098 1,332
+17 1,012 1,025 1,037 1,050 1,062 1,075 1,087 1,100 1,112 1,125 1,137 1,150 1,162 1,175 1,187 1,200 1,212 1,225 1,237 1,500
+18 1,142 1,156 1,170 1,184 1,198 1,212 1,226 1,240 1,254 1,269 1,283 1,297 1,311 1,325 1,339 1,353 1,367 1,381 1,395 1,692
+19 1,279 1,295 1,311 1,327 1,343 1,358 1,374 1,390 1,406 1,422 1,437 1,453 1,469 1,485 1,501 1,516 1,532 1,548 1,564 1,896
+20 1,425 1,443 1,460 1,478 1,496 1,513 1,531 1,548 1,566 1,584 1,601 1,619 1,636 1,654 1,672 1,689 1,707 1,724 1,742 2,112
+21 1,587 1,607 1,626 1,646 1,666 1,685 1,705 1,724 1,744 1,764 1,783 1,803 1,822 1,842 1,862 1,881 1,901 1,920 1,940 2,352
+22 1,757 1,779 1,801 1,822 1,844 1,866 1,887 1,909 1,931 1,953 1,974 1,996 2,018 2,039 2,061 2,083 2,104 2,126 2,148 2,604
+23 1,944 1,968 1,992 2,016 2,040 2,064 2,088 2,112 2,136 2,160 2,184 2,208 2,232 2,256 2,280 2,304 2,328 2,352 2,376 2,880
+24 2,146 2,173 2,199 2,226 2,252 2,279 2,305 2,332 2,358 2,385 2,411 2,438 2,464 2,491 2,517 2,544 2,570 2,597 2,623 3,180
+25 2,357 2,386 2,415 2,444 2,473 2,502 2,531 2,560 2,589 2,619 2,648 2,677 2,706 2,735 2,764 2,793 2,822 2,851 2,880 3,492

Charging an Amp

  • You can receive an additional bonus to a Moogle Amplifier by "charging" it.
  • Step #1: In a single entry to Sheol: Gaol, you must fight three bosses and reduce their HP by at least 5%.
  • Step #2: Upon doing this, you will receive a message that reads "You will now receive more RP because you used a Moogle Amplifier".
    • Do note that this is a mistranslation, and it is not actually required to use a Moogle Amplifier prior to fighting any of the three bosses per step #1.
  • Step #3: At any point following the receipt of that message, your next Moogle Amplifier will grant you an enhanced bonus.
  • Step #4: If you are in a position to do so, use your Moogle Amplifier for its extra bonus and then repeat step #1 to reduce the HP of three bosses in a single entry.
    • If you do this correctly, the first boss in each run should grant you a colossal bonus.
  • The bonus RP is equal to 2x the amplified 100% clear RP for the "charge level" of the amplifier. "Charge level" is based on the average Vengeance level of the three bosses fought, rounded down. See below for the bonuses for each "charge level":
Charged Bonus RP
Charge Veng Bonus RP
+1 72
+2 120
+3 192
+4 288
+5 408
+6 528
+7 672
+8 816
+9 984
+10 1,152
+11 1,344
+12 1,560
+13 1,800
+14 2,064
+15 2,352
+16 2,664
+17 3,000
+18 3,384
+19 3,792
+20 4,224
+21 4,704
+22 5,208
+23 5,760
+24 6,360
+25 6,984

For example: If you charged an Amplifier by doing V15, V25, V25, this would give you an average of V+21 for the charge.

If you then fought a V20 Bumba and the lowest you got it to was 27%, you would receive 1,654 RP (V20 29% threshold) + 4,704 RP (V21 Charge Bonus) = 6,358 RP