Moblin pheromone sack

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Moblin pheromone sack

Key Item.png Moblin pheromone sack
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Type Description
Temporary Key Items A tiny sack containing a substance
said to exude Moblin virility.
A quick dab on the ears should fool the
Meebles into letting you into the caves.
Used for...
Type of Event Name
Meeble Burrows All Expeditions


  • The player will start with a full stock of 10 Moblin pheromone sacks when beginning Meeble Burrows. After expending at least one, additional sacks are regenerated at the rate of one per 20 hours Earth time.
    • Players in possession of the KI: Rhapsody in Mauve will have the timer reduced to 10 mins for additional sacks to be regenerated.
  • Up to 10 can be accumulated and stored by Meeble Burrows NPCs (or nine, with one additional held by the player).
    • The capacity can be expanded by up to 6 (16 total) by expending research marks at a Burrow Researcher or Burrow Investigator NPC to purchase certain items. These items do not show up as key items, nor are they inventory items, but the purchase is remembered by the NPC.
  • One sack will be expended for each player immediately upon entry into an expedition.
    • Note that if a player does not retrieve their Grimoire after an expedition is completed, the NPC will not be able to accumulate the last sack.
  • If one is available, it will be obtained upon trading a grimoire to a Burrow Researcher NPC.
  • There has been a recurring glitch with Meeble Burrows content which will occasionally cause players to be immediately ejected from the area upon entry, and expend the Moblin pheromone sack in the process. As a solution, players who are ejected from a Meeble Burrows run will be reimbursed automatically with a new Moblin pheromone sack and will not lose grimoire progress (for level 5 expeditions). Companions who were not ejected will also automatically receive a new Moblin pheromone sack (and not lose grimoire progress) as long as they exit the run in less than three minutes without completing any of the run's goals.[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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