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Possible Weakness

TLDR; "Kill it with fire"

making a note on page about possible Fire Weakness. Will do more tests to verify.
Was in a 5 man group, no trust. PLD WHM BST SMNx2. We started with a 3 step light and

MBing Wind Blade and Thunderstorm,nothing hitting for 3-6k. Got a little rough at the end when she got spammy with the amnesia dragging out the fight.

On the next fight we decided to try the BST soloing Fusion and MBING Meteor Strike.
Meteor Strike was doing 15k+ making the fight quick and easy. --12:31 7/1/16 ‎Mikumaru

After not finding people for it, I went and soloed it on 150jp SCH with not-so-great gear. Trusts used: Amchuchu, Selh'Teus, Arciela, StarSibyl and Apururu. Tabula Rasa right away and MB Kaustra (which did nothing), but consequent Fusion+MB for around 10k each while keeping Helix up did the job without any major issues. --09/22/16 Seriweri@Asura