
From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Virelai)

Virelais are songs that Charm an enemy. This effect is much less powerful as a Beastmaster's charm, as the enemy simply attacks whatever the charmer attacks. You cannot order the pet at all.

Skill Caps per Spell
Spell Skill Cap Potency Cap
Maiden's Virelai Question 30 Seconds

Equipment Modifiers


GjallarhornGjallarhorn (Level 99) description.png Song +2~4
LinosLinos description.png AugRank.png Song +1~3
Nibiru HarpNibiru Harp description.png AugRank.png Song +2
Blurred Harp +1Blurred Harp +1 description.png Song +2
Eminent FluteEminent Flute description.png Song +2
Cythara Anglica +1Cyt. Anglica +1 description.png Song +2
Blurred HarpBlurred Harp description.png Song +1
Cythara AnglicaCythara Anglica description.png Song +1
Millennium HornMillennium Horn description.png In Dynamis: Song +2
Homestead FluteHomestead Flute description.png In Reives: Song +2
Forefront FluteForefront Flute description.png In Reives: Song +2


Moonbow Whistle +1Mnbw. Whistle +1 description.png Song +3
Moonbow WhistleMoonbow Whistle description.png Song +2
Brioso WhistleBrioso Whistle description.png Song +1

Song Potency per Bonus

Maiden's Virelai

Virelai Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
Charm Duration (Seconds) 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51

Pages in category "Virelai"

This category contains only the following page.