WTF in Vanadiel

From FFXI Wiki

WTF in Vanadiel is a podcast which started in October 2020 and is still currently in production with over 100 episodes.
The show can be found on Spotify, Pandora, Apple, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Google Podcasts, Youtube, and essentially all mainstream venues.

The show is hosted by Spicyryan and Thefoxdanger and has included a bevy of guests and topics over the years. Everything from entire job episodes to player interviews, development news, game discussion, and completely irrelevant banter or talk about weeb shit.

Guest Appearances

  • Funkworkz - Episode 4: WTF in Vana'Diel Even Uses BG Wiki? The guys attempt to find their podcasting footing while discussing BG Wiki (You Are Here).
  • Zan - Episode 44: WTF in Vana'Diel is a Rune Fencer? It's a tank... Listen to them stumble their way through explaining what a Rune Fencer and Magic Evasion...
  • Zan - Episode 52: WTF in Vana'Diel is Ranger Lore? Why do they go pew pew? Where there actual rangers in history? What is the mysticism surrounding their REMAs? And beware of space rocks...
  • <name> - <episode(s)> <one sentence description>


  • "Daddys Love" - One of the first and most famous lines, created by Fox. Focused around the idea of chasing the top parse spot. It is okay, you don't have to do it. Your father will come back from the store with the milk and cigarettes if you don't win the parse, he promises. Also emphasizes on the idea of not costing the overall group in ones own pursuit of vanity.
  • Mommy's Kisses - Hya, a member in Spicy's static group was involved in a PUG Ambuscade where they needlessly had two BRDs giving 10 songs. Upon questioning this, Hya was told they would be "safe like Mommy's kisses". Thus was born many-many moons later, the tandem to "Daddy's Love", Mommy's Kisses.
  • Papa's Plastic - Unrelated to the prior two, but it is the method of which players pay for all their wins. Don't do it.
  • "As you do" - While fallen out of favor. It is used to obnoxiously state the obvious. E.g. "I was wiping in a PUG group, as you do". As usual with Spicy, often suggestively used as an innuendo.
  • "Respecting the listener's time" - A random Redditor leveled the now infamous criticism about the podcast from the length to only discussing XI subject with no off topic conversation. They aggressively claimed that the show does not respect the listener's time, and instantly became a hit in the discord.
    Something to the effect of the hosts were stupid and that "Nobody gives a shit about New Jersey traffic."
  • New Jersey Traffic - One of the chief charges of how the show doesn't respect the listener's time (as you do) as it talks about useless shit like the state of automobiles in New Jersey.
  • Extra Medium and Aggressively Medium - Descriptors Fox uses to add the real emphasis of mediocrity on something.
  • Balsamic - Spicy has a love affair with balsamic vinegar.
  • Italian Accents - Come from Romania. Spicy progressively morphs into Count Chocula when making fun of Italians.
  • O~utline - Funkworkz is infamous for typing out comprehensive outlines for episodes he attends. One time taking four painful hours to complete.
    Spicy likes to lean seductively into the mic and profess the absence of (or presence of) an <pause> outline.
  • The server leader - Some random player called Spicy the "Leader of the Asura server" and it was so stupid it was a running gag.
  • "Get Spiced, Idiot" - In passing, outside of the show the line was used on game one night in regards to Spicy rustling random jimmies, sometimes with no effort or interaction. Later on when Tablesmasher was a guest on the show. They passionately closed with the line out of nowhere to mic drop at the end of the episode.
  • Mashed Potatoes - One semester of college, Fox lived in a shared dorm. None of the three in it really had any interaction for the entire time. However, a bowl of mashed potatoes was left under the sink. The mashed potatoes became one of the most famous gags. With it regularly being asked about each episode in a status update. Fox refused to clean up after them, and so the potatoes stayed there. Some say they are still marinating to this day. Others that they evolved into their final form. The world may never know the true fate of the potatoes.
  • Random One liners - Often temporary in their ubiquity, punchy one-liners in a moment of passion are delivered. Such as "Shake n' Bake Shitbag".
  • Fruit Beer - Spicy has a penchant for drinking these. He doesn't like them, but enjoys sharing in the punishing experience and describing the intense and offensive aromas. Everything from it being a bottle of regret to "it smells and tastes like grapefruit slapped against a stinky pussy."
  • Big Black Digger - The most uncomfortable meme of Spicy's creation to talk about Carrot (his SO) and him doing chocobo raising/digging.
  • "So about that mental health episode..." - Post show discussion with their first guest, Ruaumoko. Lead to the concept of the need for a mental health episode. For nearly the next two or so years, every time something disturbing or unhealthy come up. Notably including a certain individual making a YouTube video, personal blog with nearly a dozen of their own sock accounts, various Reddit posts in the same fashion, reporting them to a local domestic abuse charity, etc about Spicy "being a bully". The comment of "So... about that mental health episode" would be uttered.
    While it was a meme, they eventually had Silversean as a guest. A crisis counselor employed by the state of West Virginia. To talk about mental health, psychology, etc. It was actually a very constructive, informative, and positive experience for once. They finally did it.
  • Podast - For 43 episodes there was a typo on the Podbean official website. After Funkworkz lodged a formal complaint about the hosts wasting the listener's time making them report silly mistakes, the typo was fixed for search purposes.
    It has, however, remained in infamy as the #podast-chat channel in Discord to commemorate this. Which occasionally raises the question of if it is known to be a typo by newer members. With many simply never even realizing it is missing the 'C'.
Podast meme.png
  • The Lost Episodes - For episodes 1-3, Spicy did not run his recording software in Administrator mode. This resulted in his own voice not being recorded. Due to how much he enjoys hearing himself speak, the result was overwhelming silence when Fox or the first guest Funkworkz were not talking. After debates about damage control, these episodes needed to be re-recorded. This resulted in subpar and forced interaction. These episodes have not see the light of day, and never will.
  • Crypto - During the height of the last cryptocurrency bullrun ending in November/December 2021. Spicy claimed to have vested his life savings into it with no details given. The market then crashed ~75% and it was never spoken of again. Ever the contemporary FFXI player, he stated that he was never going to retire anyway so why not let it ride, and do or die.
    There was also an off topic crypto channel in the Discord with a bot that still sits idle to this day. It had to be deleted due to one Frod. Who went so far as to invite people to the server who knew nothing about FFXI or the podcast. Just to try and cause problems. Eventually the friends left, Frod was removed, and the channel was forever deleted.
    Don't invest in crypto, but if you do only buy BTC.
  • Sex Swing +1 - During one of Fox's crafting binge sessions, he got the idea to troll Myrrh in their linkshell's Discord with a quick little photoshop. He posted the image below, emphasizing how such an amazing crafter he was. Funkworkz saw this as a great meme opportunity. He created a custom FFXI image with BG's datamining tools, effectively reinforcing the joke that this was a real item in Final Fantasy XI. The Sex Swing +1 page on BG was then created, as well as a quick "Inspect" edit on his FFXIAH page to show the Sex Swing +1 as an item for sale in his bazaar. See the Sex Swing +1 page for a laugh.
SexSwing2.png Sex Swing +1 description.png
  • Youtube - Some people rely on Youtube exclusively to have their time disrespected. When such people concoct whispers that the podcast is over and it has turned into only elitist game footage, an episode is then strategically added. Spicy only updates the WTF in Vana'diel Youtube channel with new podcast episodes when he feels like it. Learn to waste your time with a different platform.
  • Cut him off - During the early days of the podcast, the runtime of each episode was at a modest hour and change. The first guest Funkworkz had a lot to contribute to the episodes focusing on BG Wiki and Bard. The hosts thought these episodes were going on for too long at an hour and a half record time, so they effectively rushed the outline and abruptly ended both episodes. After this, the longer the show has gone on the longer the episodes have been. A couple have even reached beyond four hours. Talk about throwing some Rock Salt icon.png Rock Salt in the wound.
  • Rabbit Holes (Lost in the Weeds) - During the entire show's life, it has been a common theme for the hosts (particularly Fox) to get distracted on random tangents and rants about off topic discussions that have nothing to do with the subject matter at hand. An appropriate image was created thanks to Google image search. It immediately became the Discord icon for the podcast. To this day, Fox still frequently gets lost in the weeds. Perhaps he needs to carry a Ridill to occasionally knock down these weeds 2 to 3 times.
  • Stunch Tathlum +1 - A golden age existed where Fox provided his Gearswap LUAs to the public. If one managed to handle the large number of gear sets for every tier of haste, great profit would ensue. It was pointed out that in one LUA, Staunch Tathlum +1 was typo'd as Stunch Tathlum +1. Due to the funny name, the BG Wiki tools needed to be exploited again for a laugh. Since then, the Stunch Tathlum has been randomly mentioned in episodes when the real item Staunch Tathlum +1 is discussed.
  • T-shirts - In the early podcast days an idea was thrown around to sell T-shirts to listeners. A discord channel was made for listeners to post their shirt sizes. Multiple times Spicy has followed up with Fox during random episodes about where the artwork was. Fox has always jokingly replied that it is still in production. We may yet see official merch.