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Job Ability Information
Job Dark Knight
Type Level  
Level Obtained 30
Description Consumes (10% of your) HP to enhance attacks.
Duration 00:01:00
Recast 00:06:00 (base)
Cumulative Enmity 0 Volatile Enmity 1280
Command /ja "Souleater" <me> 
Merit Points
Group 1 Ranks Available 5
Effect of each Rank Reduces recast time by 00:00:12 per each merit point. 
Job Points
Category Souleater Effect Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Increase duration by 1 second.


  • Consumes and converts 10% of your current HP directly into physical damage, adding it onto your normal melee hits.
    • For Sub Job Dark Knight, 10% of your current HP will be consumed but only 5% will be converted into damage.
    • For Weapon Skills: The bonus physical damage gained from sacrificed HP is boosted by the Weapon Skill Damage stat, but not PDIF or FTP.
  • Enhances accuracy by 25 while active.
  • Muted Soul gives -10 Enmity per merit rank to Souleater activation and for the duration.
  • Many Notorious Monsters have an innate resistance to Souleater now, notably Absolute Virtue.
  • Commonly combined with Blood Weapon and Haste buffs, so HP is not lost, and large amounts of damage can be dealt quickly.
    • Attacking something with Phalanx or Souleater resistance can rapidly deplete Dark Knight HP in these cases.
  • Wearing multiple 10->12% pieces will still only result in 12% converted, but Dweomer Scythe appears to stack.


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Gloom Breastplate icon.png Gloom Breastplate 50 Body 12% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Sable Cuisses icon.png Sable Cuisses 50 Legs 12% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Chaos Burgeonet icon.png Chaos Burgeonet 60 Head 12% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Moliones's Ring icon.png Moliones's Ring 70 Main Set: 12% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Moliones's Sickle icon.png Moliones's Sickle 70 Main Set: 12% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Chs. Burgeonet +1 icon.png Chaos Burgeonet +1 74 Head 12% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Dweomer Scythe icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Dweomer Scythe 75 Main Souleater +1~2%, which does stack with other forms
Ignominy Burgeonet icon.png Ignominy Burgeonet 99 Head 12% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Igno. Burgeonet +1 icon.png Ignominy Burgeonet +1 99 Head 12% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Ig. Burgeonet +2 icon.png Ignominy Burgeonet +2 99 Head 14% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Ig. Burgeonet +3 icon.png Ignominy Burgeonet +3 99 Head 16% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Brutality icon.png Brutality 99 Main 12% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Agwu's Scythe icon.png Agwu's Scythe 99 Main 30% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Dacnomania icon.png Dacnomania 99 Main 45% of HP (instead of 10%) is used to enhance attacks.
Final Sickle icon.png Final Sickle 99 Main Souleater no longer consumes HP. Souleater's duration extends by 1 second per WS during Souleater.
