Blackened Siredon

From FFXI Wiki
Blackened Siredon icon.png Blackened muddy siredon
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: This muddy siredon, seasoned with Chef Tonberry's twelve herbs and spices, has been charred to a crisp.
Image: Blackened Siredon description.png
Type: Usable Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Can Use, NPC tradable, Not vendorable
Stack size: 1
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Food ➞ Meals ➞ Meats & Eggs
Valid Targets: Enemy
Activate Time: 0.25 seconds "Find Item on FFXIAH" "Find Blackened Siredon on FFXIDB"

Obtained From...
Quest Notes
Mithran Delicacies Anguenet, Carpenters' Landing (J-10)

Used in the following Missions
Mission Name Notes
Cop icon.png Ulmia's path Promathia Mission 5-3