- Defeating Briareus completes the zone quest, A Goldstruck Gigas.
- Lightning Roar grants a strong Shock Spikes effect.
- Recommended to stun this if possible.
- Catapult bypasses shadows and Dispels one effect.
- Can use Trebuchet, Power Attack, Impact Roar, and Grand Slam.
- Also has access to Colossal Slam, which does heavy AoE damage (wipes shadows) and inflicts Zombie status for a short time.
- If you are worried about dying, it is safest to kite until this status wears off.
- Mercurial Strike does an amount of damage between 111 and 1111. The particular amount of damage it does determines what will happen next, similar to a Corsair roll:
- It is recommended to kite if you are hit with a 1111 damage Mercurial Strike. If you fight at max range and start running soon enough, he will not be able to land any Colossal Slams on you.
- Be careful that you do not run more than 30' away, as this will force you to disengage and likely turn Briareus white.