Meikyo Shisui

From FFXI Wiki
Job Ability Information
Job Samurai
Type SP Ability
Description Lowers TP cost of weapon skills to 1000
Duration 00:00:30
Recast 01:00:00
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 300
Command /ja "Meikyo Shihui" <me> 
Job Points
Category Meikyo Shisui Effect Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Increase skillchain damage by 2%.


  • Grants player 3000 TP upon use.
  • All weaponskills cost 1000 TP while Meikyo Shisui is in effect.
  • TP cannot be gained while Meikyo Shisui is in effect unless it comes from items (ie. Icarus Wing) or Meditate.
  • Though weaponskills cost 1000 TP while this is in effect, the damage modifiers for the weaponskill calculation use the player's current TP for the calculation.
    • So the first weaponskill is going to be calculated as if it were 3000 TP instead of 1000TP, etc.
  • Job Points break the 50% Skillchain Bonus cap.


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Sao. Sune-Ate +2 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Saotome Sune-Ate +2 90 Feet WS TP Cost -250 during Meikyo Shisui when worn.
Sakonji Sune-Ate icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Sakonji Sune-Ate 99 Feet WS TP Cost -250 during Meikyo Shisui when worn.
Sak. Sune-Ate +1 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Sakonji Sune-Ate +1 99 Feet WS TP Cost -250 during Meikyo Shisui when worn.
Sak. Sune-Ate +2 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Sakonji Sune-Ate +2 99 Feet WS TP Cost -250 during Meikyo Shisui when worn.
Sak. Sune-Ate +3 icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Sakonji Sune-Ate +3 99 Feet WS TP Cost -250 during Meikyo Shisui when worn.
