Pel. Vambraces +3

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Pel. Vambraces +3 icon.png Peltast's vambraces +3
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Description: DEF:128 HP+57 STR+24 DEX+47 VIT+47 AGI+22 INT+21 MND+39 CHR+30 Acc.+62 Atk.+62 Mag. Acc.+62 Eva.+74 Mag. Eva.+82 "M. Def. B."+5 Haste+4% "Double Attack"+7% "Spirit Link"+16% Augments "Spirit Link" Damage taken -11% Wyvern: Accuracy+62 Magic Accuracy+62 Set: Attack occ. varies with wyvern's HP
Image: Pel. Vambraces +3 description.png
Type: Armor Storage: Storage Slip 30
Flags: Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Pel. Vambraces +3 on FFXIAH" "Find Pel. Vambraces +3 on FFXIDB"
Armor Information
Races: All Races Equip. Slot: Hands
Level: 99
Item Level: 119
Jobs: Dragoon

Obtained From...
Item Upgraded Via Notes
Ruspix, Leafallia (H-8) Upgraded with 70,000x Gallimaufry and 1x Ra'Kaz. Starstone.


  • Increases Spirit Link potency by +16% and removes 2 more erasable debuffs from the Wyvern.
  • Each separate piece provides an additional +1% chance of activation (minimum +2% from wearing two pieces), up to a maximum of +5%.