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Sortie 1.jpg

Sortie, introduced in the August 2022 update[1], is exploratory battle content in which players progress through an alternative area of Outer Ra'Kaznar (U).
Materials you acquire in Sortie instances can be used to acquire Reforged Empyrean Armor +2/+3.

Rewards include Gallimaufry, Ra'Kaz. Sapphire icon.png Ra'Kaznar Sapphires, Ra'Kaz. Starstone icon.png Ra'Kaz. Starstones,Eikondrite icon.png Eikondrites, Old Case icon.png Old Cases and Old Case +1 icon.png Old Case +1 containing JSE Earrings.

  • Entering a Sortie instance will unlock all 5 pieces of Reforged Empyrean Armor +2 armor for reforging for that job.
  • Reaching any area via a Bitzer device (a.k.a Entering the Basement) will unlock all 5 pieces of Reforged Empyrean Armor +3 armor for reforging for that job.

Sortie Overview


Entering Sortie

Diaphanous Transposer.png
Diaphanous Transposer
  • Parties must consist of between 1 and 6 players.
    • Trusts may be called within Sortie.
    • The number of Trusts you may summon is based on the number of open party slots at the time of entry. Separating into multiple parties once inside the instance will not allow additional Trusts to be called.
  • Sortie has a time limit of 1 hour. This cannot be increased.
    • All players will be ejected from the instance when time expires, or if 3 minutes elapse with all party members knocked out.
    • Each player will receive an Temporary Obsidian Wing, which allows you to leave the instance before time expires.
  • All players must be in possession of a Shiny Ra'Kaznarian plate Key Item to enter.
    • This is initially acquired by speaking to Ruspix in Leafallia.
    • Upon entering Sortie, all players' Shiny Ra'Kaznarian plates will fade into Dull Ra'Kaznarian plates Key Item, which will immediately begin recharging.
    • Dull Ra'Kaznarian plates take twenty hours to fully recharge. Upon approaching the Diaphanous Transposer at Bivouac #4 in Kamihr Drifts with a fully-charged plate, it will transform into a Shiny Ra'Kaznarian plate. There is no need to talk to Ruspix for this to occur.
  • After completing your first foray into Sortie, you will receive a Ruspix's plate Key Item upon talking to Ruspix.
  • NOTE: It is recommended to wait to use your Ruspix's plate until right before you enter Sortie, since any additional delay before entering Sortie will go back into charging the Ruspix's plate at the same 5:1 ratio, rather than into your now-full Shiny Ra'Kaznarian plate.


Sortie Aggro
Sector Enemy Detects
A Acuex Sound
Leech Sound Links
Hecteyes Sound
B, F Elemental Magic
B Umbril Sight Magic
C Ghost Sound HP
Skeleton Sight HP
Corse Sight HP
D, H Fomor Sound Sight Links
E Slime Sound
Slug Sound
Flan Sight JA
F Pixie Sound Sight Magic
G Hound Sound HP
Dullahan Sound Sight HP
Vampyr Sight HP
  • Sortie consists of the entire map of Outer Ra'Kaznar sharded into eight unequal Sectors labeled A through H, each of which contains:
    • several groups of enemies from one or more families of a single type,
    • one minor NM, which can roam around the Sector,
    • one major NM, found behind a Diaphanous Gadget, and
    • a Diaphanous Bitzer.
  • Ground floor Sectors A through D also contain:
    • a Diaphanous Device,
    • several unlocked Gates, and
    • several Locked Gates.
  • All enemies and chests reward Gallimaufry.
  • Minor NMs and Gates are associated with Hidden Objectives.
  • Enemies take full damage from AoE magic and abilities.
    • Geomancy has full effects on regular enemies, but is reduced by -50% on NMs.
    • All enemies have normal damage type resistances for their family.
  • All foes in Sortie are aggressive.
    • Not all enemies follow their family's normal detection rules. See the table for details.


Upon first entry, you will have access to Sector A only. Within Sortie, meeting certain Hidden Objectives rewards Temporary Temporary Items which allow access to additional parts of the map.

Ra'Kaznar Key A icon.png Ra'Kaznar Keys

  • Used to open their respective Locked Gates and progress deeper into the area.
  • These items are permanent traversal tools which are not lost when opening Gates or leaving Sortie despite being listed as Temporary Temporary Items.

Ra'Kaznar Plate A icon.png Ra'Kaznar Plates

  • Used to interact with the Diaphanous Devices found near the central elevator shaft. These devices enable teleportation around the map and rematerialization of previously-defeated enemies.
  • These items are permanent traversal tools which are not lost when using Diaphanous Devices or leaving Sortie despite being listed as Temporary Temporary Items.

Ra'Kaznar Shard A icon.png Ra'Kaznar Shards and Ra'Kaznar Frag. 1 icon.png Ra'Kaznar Fragments

  • Used to teleport to NM arenas via the Diaphanous Gadgets found in the corners of the map.
    • Each NM in the basement requires the corresponding shard temporary item from defeating the NM upstairs.
  • These items are lost upon successfully defeating the NM within.

Ra'Kaznar Metal A icon.png Ra'Kaznar Metals and Ra'Kaznar Seal icon.png Ra'Kaznar Seal

  • Protect against certain abilities used by NMs found beyond their respective Diaphanous Gadgets.
  • These items are lost upon successfully defeating the NM within or after protecting the bearer from specific enemy techniques a certain number of times.

Ra'Kaznar Sheet A icon.png Ra'Kaznar Sheets

  • Used to interact with the Diaphanous Bitzers found at the central elevator shaft. These devices enable transportation to Sectors E through H in the basement.
  • These items are permanent traversal tools which are not lost when using Diaphanous Bitzers or leaving Sortie despite being listed as Temporary Temporary Items.

Hidden Objectives

  • Completing certain objectives within Sortie will cause a treasure chest to appear, along with a message in all players' chat logs informing the group of the current objective progress.
    • Each chest contains some Gallimaufry.
      • Brown chests are guaranteed to contain Temporary temporary items which aid in zone traversal or provide access to major NMs.
      • Blue caskets, red coffers, and aurum coffers may contain JSE Earrings, upgrade items for Reforged Empyrean Armor +2/+3, and/or upgrade items for Prime Weapons.
    • In order to receive rewards, players must be:
      • Anywhere on the ground floor when the chest is opened, for chests which appear in sectors A through D;
      • In the boss area, but not necessarily inside the door, for major NM rewards;
      • In the same sector when the chest is opened, for chests which appear in basement sectors E through H.
    • Chests always grant the same reward to all players in the party.
    • Chests do not disappear if left unopened.
    • Warning
      • Blood Pacts do not satisfy any magic or Weapon Skill-focused objectives.
      • If a chest is opened while a player is disconnected, they will not receive the temporary item inside, and may become unable to progress.
      • If multiple chests are opened within 400ms of each other, the gallimaufry rewards will be added together, but only one temporary item will be received. This may result in the group being unable to progress.

Chest Contents

Ground Floor Chest Contents
Type Quantity Item
Chest 100 Gallimaufry
1 Temporary Ra'Kaznar Key, Plate, Shard, Metal, or Sheet (see below)
Casket 100 Gallimaufry
0-1 Old Case C or Old Case +1 VR
0-1 Ra'Kaznar Sapphire C
0-1 Eikondrite (if in possession of a stage 1 Prime Weapon) C
Coffer 500 Gallimaufry
0-1 Old Case C or Old Case +1 VR
0-1 Ra'Kaznar Sapphire C
0-1 Eikondrite (if in possession of a stage 1 Prime Weapon) C
Aurum Coffer 1000 Gallimaufry
0-1 Old Case C or Old Case +1 VR
0-1 Ra'Kaznar Sapphire C
0-1 Eikondrite (if in possession of a stage 1 Prime Weapon) C
Basement Chest Contents
Type Quantity Item
Chest 100 Gallimaufry
1 Temporary Ra'Kaznar Metal or Seal (see below)
Casket 300 Gallimaufry
0-1 Old Case VC or Old Case +1 R
0-1 Ra'Kaznar Starstone R
0-1 Octahedrite (if in possession of a stage 2 Prime Weapon) C
0-1 Hexahedrite (if in possession of a stage 3 Prime Weapon) VR
Coffer 1500 Gallimaufry
1 G Old Case VC or Old Case +1 R
0-1 Ra'Kaznar Starstone R
0-1 Octahedrite (if in possession of a stage 2 Prime Weapon) C
0-1 Hexahedrite (if in possession of a stage 3 Prime Weapon) VR
Aurum Coffer 3000 Gallimaufry
1 G Old Case VC or Old Case +1 R
0-1 Ra'Kaznar Starstone R
0-1 Octahedrite (if in possession of a stage 2 Prime Weapon) C
0-1 Hexahedrite (if in possession of a stage 3 Prime Weapon) VR

Ground Floor Objectives

Sector A Objectives
Chest Objective Reward
Chest #A1 Open any unlocked Gate #A.
Ground Floor: (D-4), (F-2), (H-2)
100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Key A G
Chest #A2 Cast magic next to Diaphanous Device #A. Any magic works, including summoning an alter-ego / trust. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Plate A G
Chest #A3 Vanquish 3 Abject foes using single-target magic for the killing blow. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Shard A G
Chest #A4 Vanquish 3 more Abject foes using single-target magic for the killing blow. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Metal A G
Chest #A5 Interact with Diaphanous Bitzer #A while naked. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Sheet A G
Casket #A1 Vanquish 5 Abject foes. see above
Casket #A2 /heal in the area between Gate #A1 and the Abject Leeches.
Coffer #A Vanquish Abject Obdella.
Sector B Objectives
Chest Objective Reward
Chest #B1 Open Gates #B1 through #B6 in order. Click to enlarge 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Key B G
Chest #B2 /hurray with Diaphanous Device #B. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Plate B G
Chest #B3 Perform a Weapon Skill on 5 Biune foes before defeating them. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Shard B G
Chest #B4 Perform a Weapon Skill on 5 more Biune foes before defeating them. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Metal B G
Chest #B5 Interact with Diaphanous Bitzer #B after traveling from the entrance on foot. If you use a Diaphanous Device to warp you must warp back to the start and start over. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Sheet B G
Casket #B1 Vanquish 3 Biune foes within 30 Verification Needed seconds of gaining enmity. see above
Casket #B2 Open any Locked Gate #B.
Ground Floor: (J-8), (K-8), (M-8)
Coffer #B Vanquish Biune Porxie after meeting the objective for Casket #B1.
Sector C Objectives
Chest Objective Reward
Chest #C1 Open Gate #C1 or #C2 before defeating any enemies in Sector C. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Key C G
Chest #C2 Pull a Cachaemic foe to Diaphanous Device #C and defeat it there. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Plate C G
Chest #C3 Perform a Magic Burst on 3 Cachaemic foes before defeating them. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Shard C G
Chest #C4 Perform a Magic Burst on 3 more Cachaemic foes before defeating them. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Metal C G
Chest #C5 Vanquish at least one Cachaemic foe, Materialize Cachaemic foes at Diaphanous Device #C, then interact with Diaphanous Bitzer #C.
The same player who Materializes must interact with the Bitzer.
100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Sheet C G
Casket #C1 Vanquish 3 Cachaemic foes within 15 Verification Needed seconds of gaining enmity. see above
Casket #C2 Vanquish all Cachaemic foes.
Coffer #C Vanquish Cachaemic Bhoot within 5Question minutes of its spawn.
Timer begins upon entering Sector C.
Bhoot must be defeated before rematerializing to reset the timer.
Sector D Objectives
Chest Objective Reward
Chest #D1 Open Gates #D1 and #D2, in either order, within two minutes of each other. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Key D G
Chest #D2 Drop your Obsid. Wing at Diaphanous Device #D. You will not be kicked out for doing this, and you will get a new one immediately. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Plate D G
Chest #D3 Perform a 4-step Skillchain on 3 Demisang foes before defeating them. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Shard D G
Chest #D4 Perform a 4-step Skillchain on 3 more Demisang foes before defeating them. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Metal D G
Chest #D5 Vanquish all Demisang foes, then interact with Diaphanous Bitzer #D.
Demisang Deleterious not required.
100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Sheet D G
Casket #D1 Vanquish 6 Demisang foes of different jobs. see above
Casket #D2 Vanquish Demisang foes in standard job order:
Defeating Demisang Deleterious does not interrupt the order.
Coffer #D Vanquish Demisang Deleterious, then any 3 Demisang foes.
Other Objectives
Chest Objective Reward
Aurum Coffer Vanquish Abject Obdella, Biune Porxie, Cachaemic Bhoot, and Demisang Deleterious.
Any rematerialized copies must also be defeated.
see above

Basement Objectives

Sector E Objectives
Chest Objective Reward
Chest #E Vanquish Esurient Botulus with a majority of damage coming from Weapon Skills performed from behind it.
Skillchain damage does not count toward the requirement.
100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Metal E G
Casket #E1 Vanquish 12 Esurient foes in the room containing the Bitzer. see above
Casket #E2 Vanquish 15 Esurient Flan.
Coffer #E Vanquish the 6 mini-Naakuals which appear 5 minutes after entering Sector E.
Timer resets if the sector is evacuated before spawn, including the situation where all players enter the boss arena.
Basement: (F/G-6)
Sector F Objectives
Chest Objective Reward
Chest #F Vanquish Fetid Ixion while the horn is broken. Conditions on what breaks the horn are still being tested. Verification Needed. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Metal F G
Casket #F1 Interact with the Diaphanous Bitzer while visibly wearing or lockstyling 5/5 pieces of Empyrean Armor of any upgrade level (including the base piece) for your current job. see above
Casket #F2 Vanquish all Fetid Veela.
Coffer #F Vanquish the 6 mini-Naakuals which appear when any party member who has previously left Sector F re-enters it.
Basement: (J-6)
Sector G Objectives
Chest Objective Reward
Chest #G Vanquish Gyvewrapped Naraka. 100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Metal G G
Casket #G1 Stand still within 6 yalms of the Diaphanous Bitzer while continuously targeting it for 30 seconds. see above
Casket #G2 Vanquish 19 Gyvewrapped Dullahan.
Coffer #G Vanquish the 6 mini-Naakuals which appear after defeating all enemies in both sides of the split room.
Naakuals automatically rematerialize without opening the door or spawning the coffer if not defeated in a specific order:
🐝Bztavian → 🦈Rockfin → 🦖Gabbrath → 🦅Waktza → 🥦Yggdreant → 🦁Cehuetzi
Basement: (J-10)
Sector H Objectives
Chest Objective Reward
Chest #H

Vanquish Haughty Tulittia after doing X-Amount of Indirect Damage through the form of AoE's targeted on another monster.
(approx. 50%)

Potentially could be Vanquish Haughty Tulittia after
doing so many WS's Verification Needed (Number of WS's needed = Unknown)

100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Metal H G
Casket #H1 Leave and re-enter Sector H. see above
Casket #H2 Killing all Haughty Paladin will spawn the chest, other jobs do not spawn the chest.
Coffer #H Vanquish the 6 mini-Naakuals which appear after defeating 8 Haughty foes of different jobs.
Naakuals automatically rematerialize without opening the door or spawning the coffer if not defeated in alphabetic order:
🐝Bztavian → 🦁Cehuetzi → 🦖Gabbrath → 🦈Rockfin → 🦅Waktza → 🥦Yggdreant
Basement: (F-10)
Other Objectives
Chest Objective Reward
Chest Vanquish Esurient Botulus, Fetid Ixion, Gyvewrapped Naraka and Haughty Tulittia, then interact with Diaphanous Gadget #? west of the room containing 12 Esurient Flan in Sector E.

The person who touches the Gadget must be in possession of all 4 Ra'Kaznar Fragments.

100 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaznar Seal G
Aurum Coffer Vanquish all of the following: Verification Needed see above


Gallimaufry is the primary currency of Sortie. It is earned within by vanquishing monsters, opening treasure chests, and defeating NMs. It may be spent with Ruspix to commission Reforged Empyrean Armor +2 and Reforged Empyrean Armor +3 as well as to purchase Ra'Kaznar Sapphires, Ra'Kaznar Starstones and Old Cases. It is also used in the creation process of Prime Weapons.

Gallimaufry from regular enemies is earned via the formula (level - 109) * 3. Minor NMs grant 5x what their level would suggest.

Rematerializing foes reduces Gallimaufry rewards by approximately (2 + sector) * 3 each time (5x for minor NMs).

  • The maximum amount of Gallimaufry that can be held at once is 100,000 initially.
Normal Enemy Gallimaufry
Sector Level Gallimaufry
A 119 30
120 33
121 36
B 123 42
124 45
125 48
C 127 54
128 57
129 60
D 131 66
132 69
133 72
E 134 75
135 78
136 81
F 135 78
136 81
137 84
G 136 81
137 84
138 87
H 137 84
138 87
139 90
Naakuals 140 93

Minor NM Gallimaufry
Sector NM Gallimaufry
A Abject Obdella 195
B Biune Porxie 255
C Cachaemic Bhoot 315
D Demisang Deleterious 375
E Esurient Botulus 435
F Fetid Ixion 450
G Gyvewrapped Naraka 465
H Haughty Tulittia 480

Major NM Gallimaufry
Sector NM Gallimaufry
A Ghatjot 2000
B Leshonn
C Skomora
D Degei
E Dhartok 10000
F Gartell
G Triboulex
H Aita

Treasure Chest Gallimaufry
Sector Chest Gallimaufry
A~D Chest 100
Coffer 500
Aurum Coffer 1000
E~H Chest 100
Casket 300
Coffer 1500
Aurum Coffer 3000

Notorious Monsters

In each area of sortie there will be a minor and major NM.

  • Each minor NM is tied to their specific area and will drop treasure coffers if a prerequisite objective is met.
    • For example, Abject Obdella's objective is simply to defeat it. While Biune Porxie's objective is to obtain Casket B#1 first and then defeat the Biune Porxie.
    • The coffer will contain 500 to 1000 Gallimaufry G and possibly a Ra'Kaznar Sapphire U, Old Case R, or Old Case +1 VR.
    • Each minor NM will spawn anywhere within their respective sections once Sortie has begun and do not have additional spawn conditions.
      • The ground floor minor NMs may start slightly outside of their respective sections.
        • Abject Obdella can sometimes start in section D, but will wander back to A over time.
      • They can be seen on Widescan.
  • The major NMs can be reached by interacting with a Diaphanous Gadget while in possession of the corresponding Plate of that area (obtained from doing objectives). Use the Diaphanous Gadget to be teleported to their arena.
    • The major NMs have a proc systems but it is currently unclear how that system works and what they do. Verification Needed
    • Once you aggro the boss, the door to the boss room will close and will not re-open unless the boss is defeated or there is no enmity remaining on the NM.
      • Make sure everyone is inside before you aggro the NM.

Major NMs

See individual pages for details.

Sortie NM Rewards
Sector NM Shard Rewards
A Ghatjot Ra'Kaznar Shard E G 2,000 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaz. Sapphire VC
Eikondrite VC
Old Case C
Old Case +1 R
B Leshonn Ra'Kaznar Shard F G
C Skomora Ra'Kaznar Shard G G
D Degei Ra'Kaznar Shard H G
E Dhartok Ra'Kaznar Frag. 1 G 10,000 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaz. Starstone U
Old Case C
Old Case +1 R
F Gartell Ra'Kaznar Frag. 2 G
G Triboulex Ra'Kaznar Frag. 3 G
H Aita Ra'Kaznar Frag. 4 G
E Aminon - 30,000 Gallimaufry G
Ra'Kaz. Starstone G
Old Case +1 G


See Sortie Rewards for specific item and equipment rewards.


Click to enlargeSortieMapV2.jpg
Ground Floor
Click to enlargeSortieMapBasement.png
