Regal Gloves

From FFXI Wiki
Regal Gloves icon.png Regal gloves
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Description: DEF:106 HP+342 STR+30 DEX+40 VIT+30 AGI+20 INT+30 MND+30 CHR+40 Accuracy+45 Ranged Accuracy+45 Evasion+47 Magic Evasion+37 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+4% Converts damage taken to TP+20 Damage taken +20%
Image: Regal Gloves description.png
Type: Armor
Flags: CanSendPOL, Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Regal Gloves on FFXIAH" "Find Regal Gloves on FFXIDB"
Armor Information
Races: All Races Equip. Slot: Hands
Level: 99
Item Level: 119
Jobs: Thief / Beastmaster / Bard / Ranger / Ninja / Dragoon / Corsair / Dancer

Dropped from...
Monster Name Level Zone Rate Notes
Ou 139 Reisenjima Henge R Omen Boss Possess: Fu's, Kyou's, Kei's, Gin's, Kin's beads


  • Damage Taken +52/256
  • Returns about 20% of damage taken as TP.