
From FFXI Wiki
Abbreviation RNG
Japanese 狩人 (狩)
Japanese Romaji Kariudo (Kari)
French Chasseur
German Jäger
Expansion Pack Final Fantasy XI
Quest The Fanged One

Abilities and Traits

Job Traits
Lvl. Name
1 Wide Scan III
5 Alertness
10 Accuracy Bonus I
15 Rapid Shot I
20 Resist Poison I
20 Recycle I
20 Wide Scan IV
30 Accuracy Bonus II
30 Damage Limit+ I
35 Recycle II
40 Resist Poison II
40 Wide Scan V
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
50 Accuracy Bonus III
50 Dead Aim I
50 Recycle III
Main Job Only
60 Dead Aim II
60 Resist Poison III
60 Wide Scan VI
60 Damage Limit+ II
70 Accuracy Bonus IV
70 Dead Aim III
71 Rapid Shot II
75 Merit Points Snapshot
78 True Shot I
80 Conserve TP I
80 Dead Aim IV
80 Wide Scan VII
81 Resist Poison IV
86 Accuracy Bonus V
88 True Shot II
90 Dead Aim V
90 Damage Limit+ III
91 Conserve TP II
96 Accuracy Bonus VI
98 True Shot III
Job Ability
Lvl. Name
1 Eagle Eye Shot
45 Velocity Shot
Sub-Job Accessible
1 Sharpshot
10 Scavenge
20 Camouflage
30 Barrage
40 Shadowbind
Sub-Job Accessible
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
51 Unlimited Shot
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
75 Merit Points Flashy Shot
75 Merit Points Stealth Shot
79 Double Shot
87 Bounty Shot
95 Decoy Shot
95 Hover Shot
96 Overkill

Combat Skills

Combat Skills
Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Dagger B- 144 388 438
Sword D 133 334 384
Axe B- 144 388 438
Club E 124 300 350
Archery A+ 150 424 474
Marksmanship A+ 150 424 474
Throwing C- 139 368 418
Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Evasion E 124 300 350
No innate magic skills.
See Also: Level-by-level Skill Cap Chart


Group 1
Name Description
Scavenge Effect Increases ammo return efficiency by 5%.
Camouflage Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds.
Sharpshot Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds.
Unlimited Shot Recast Shorten recast time by 6 seconds for Unlimited and Double Shot.
Rapid Shot Rate Increase rapid shot rate by 1%.
Group 2
Name Description
Stealth Shot Your next ranged attack will generate less enmity. Recast: 5min. Reduce enmity by 10.
Flashy Shot Your next ranged attack will generate more enmity and ignore level difference penalties. Recast: 10min. Increase ranged attack by 5 percent.
Snapshot Reduces delay for ranged attacks. Reduce delay by 2 percent.
Recycle Occasionally allows ranged attacks without consuming ammunition. Increase rate of activation by 5 percent.

Job Points

Job Points
Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Eagle Eye Shot Effect Increases damage from Eagle Eye Shot. Increase damage by 3 percent.
Overkill Effect Reduces enmity while under the effects of Overkill. Reduce enmity by 1.
Sharpshot Effect Increases ranged attack while under the effects of Sharpshot. Increase ranged attack by 2.
Camouflage Effect Increases the critical hit rate of ranged attacks while under the effects of Camouflage. Increases critical hit rate by 1.
Barrage Effect Increases ranged attack power while under the effects of Barrage. Increase ranged attack power by 3.
Shadowbind Duration Increases the effect duration of Shadowbind. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Velocity Shot Effect Increase ranged attack while under the effects of Velocity Shot. Increase ranged attack by 2.
Double Shot Effect Increases the chance of shooting twice while under the effects of Double Shot. Increase chance by 1 percent.
Decoy Shot Effect Increase the maximum amount of enmity transferrable while under the effectos of Decoy Shot Increases the volatile enmity limit by 15 and the cumulative enmity limit by 5.
Unlimited Shot effect Reduces enmity while under the effects of Unlimited Shot. Reduces enmity by 2.

Job-Specific Equipment

Artifact Armor
Hunter's Attire Set Hunter's Attire Set +1 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
AF RNG.png
52 Hunter's Bracers 74 Hunter's Bracers +1
54 Hunter's Beret 74 Hunter's Beret +1
56 Hunter's Braccae 74 Hunter's Braccae +1
58 Hunter's Jerkin 74 Hunter's Jerkin +1
60 Hunter's Socks 74 Hunter's Socks +1
Orion Attire Set Orion Attire Set +1 Orion Attire Set +2 Orion Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Orion Beret 119 Orion Beret +1 119 Orion Beret +2 119 Orion Beret +3
109 Orion Jerkin 119 Orion Jerkin +1 119 Orion Jerkin +2 119 Orion Jerkin +3
109 Orion Bracers 119 Orion Bracers +1 119 Orion Bracers +2 119 Orion Bracers +3
109 Orion Braccae 119 Orion Braccae +1 119 Orion Braccae +2 119 Orion Braccae +3
109 Orion Socks 119 Orion Socks +1 119 Orion Socks +2 119 Orion Socks +3
41 Sniping Bow

Relic Armor
Scout's Attire Set Scout's Attire Set +1 Scout's Attire Set +2 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
Relic RNG.png
71 Scout's Bracers 75 Scout's Bracers +1 90 Scout's Bracers +2
72 Scout's Braccae 75 Scout's Braccae +1 90 Scout's Braccae +2
73 Scout's Beret 75 Scout's Beret +1 90 Scout's Beret +2
74 Scout's Socks 75 Scout's Socks +1 90 Scout's Socks +2
75 Scout's Jerkin 75 Scout's Jerkin +1 90 Scout's Jerkin +2
Arcadian Attire Set Arcadian Attire Set +1 Arcadian Attire Set +2 Arcadian Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Arcadian Beret 119 Arcadian Beret +1 119 Arcadian Beret +2 119 Arcadian Beret +3
109 Arcadian Jerkin 119 Arcadian Jerkin +1 119 Arcadian Jerkin +2 119 Arcadian Jerkin +3
109 Arcadian Bracers 119 Arcadian Bracers +1 119 Arcadian Bracers +2 119 Arcadian Bracers +3
109 Arcadian Braccae 119 Arcadian Braccae +1 119 Arcadian Braccae +2 119 Arcadian Braccae +3
109 Arcadian Socks 119 Arcadian Socks +1 119 Arcadian Socks +2 119 Arcadian Socks +3
70 Scout's Belt
JSE Neck
99 Scout's Gorget 99 Scout's Gorget +1 99 Scout's Gorget +2
Divergence Weapon
Su4 NQ Scout's Crossbow Su4 HQ Arke Crossbow Su5 Sharanga

Empyrean Armor
Sylvan Attire Set Sylvan Attire Set +1 Sylvan Attire Set +2 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
Emp RNG.png
81 Sylvan Bottillons 81 Sylvan Bottillons +1 81 Sylvan Bottillons +2
83 Sylvan Bragues 83 Sylvan Bragues +1 83 Sylvan Bragues +2
85 Sylvan Gapette 85 Sylvan Gapette +1 85 Sylvan Gapette +2
87 Sylvan Glovelettes 87 Sylvan Glovelettes +1 87 Sylvan Glovelettes +2
89 Sylvan Caban 89 Sylvan Caban +1 89 Sylvan Caban +2
Amini Attire Set Amini Attire Set +1 Amini Attire Set +2 Amini Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Amini Gapette 119 Amini Gapette +1 119 Amini Gapette +2 119 Amini Gapette +3
109 Amini Caban 119 Amini Caban +1 119 Amini Caban +2 119 Amini Caban +3
109 Amini Glovelettes 119 Amini Glovelettes +1 119 Amini Glovelettes +2 119 Amini Glovelettes +3
109 Amini Brague 119 Amini Brague +1 119 Amini Brague +2 119 Amini Brague +3
109 Amini Bottillons 119 Amini Bottillons +1 119 Amini Bottillons +2 119 Amini Bottillons +3
80 Sylvan Scarf 84 Sylvan Chlamys 90 Sylvan Earring
99 Amini Earring 99 Amini Earring +1 99 Amini Earring +2


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