Spider Web

From FFXI Wiki
Spider Web icon.png Spider web
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A piece of a spider's web. Used for making rainbow thread.
Image: Spider Web description.png
Type: Item Counterfeit Gil icon.png NPC Resale: 660 Gil
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box
Stack size: 12
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Materials ➞ Clothcraft
"Find Spider Web on FFXIAH" "Find Spider Web on FFXIDB"

Dropped from...
Monster Name Level Zone Rate Notes
Aht Urhgan Attercop 63-65 Bhaflau Thickets VC
Aht Urhgan Attercop 63-67 Wajaom Woodlands VC

Despoiled From
Monster Name Zone Notes
Aht Urhgan Attercop Bhaflau Thickets Level 63 - 65
Aht Urhgan Attercop Wajaom Woodlands Level 63 - 67
Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Lilac Corsage Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 46
Rainbow Thread Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 78