Steam Jacket

From FFXI Wiki
Steam Jacket icon.png Steam Jacket
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A water-based automaton attachment.
Image: Steam Jacket description.png
Functionality: Reduces damage taken from successive attacks of the same type. 
Type: Automaton Item
Stack size: 12
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Others ➞ Automation
"Find Steam Jacket on FFXIAH" "Find Steam Jacket on FFXIDB"

Elemental Capacity
Element: Water
Attachment Effects
Reduces damage of a single consecutive element.
Resistance memory is reset when damage of a different element is used or when changing areas.
The automaton does not need to be deployed to utilize this attachment. Applies to both magic and breath elemental damage.
No Maneuver -30%
1 Maneuver -45%
2 Maneuvers -60%
3 Maneuvers -80%

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Rararoon Nashmau - (G-6) 185,250 Gil
Puppetmaster level 80 required

Dropped from...
Monster Name Level Zone Rate Notes
Ob Alzadaal Undersea Ruins Pop Trade a Cog Lubricant to the ??? at (G-7) of map 3 to spawn.

