21st Vana'versary Nomad Mog Bonanza

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21st Vana'versary Nomad Mog Bonanza

Price: 200,000 gil per pearl
Pearl sales period: Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to Thursday, June 15, at 7:59 a.m.
Winning numbers announced: Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at 1:00 a.m. (PDT)
Collection period: Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to Monday, July 31, at 7:59 a.m.
Winning Numbers (Last Digits)
Rank 1: 800 (62 winners)
Rank 2: 71 (1,299 winners)
Rank 3: 7 (13,298 winners)
21st Anniversary Bonanza Special: 2 Pearls may be purchased per character instead of the one!

See the Seasonal Event Page for a list of all past Mog Bonanzas }}

Rank 1
Ice Brand Onion Sword III
Air Knife Zanmato +2
Dragon Fangs Malefic Axe
Drastic Axe Artemis's Bow +2
Miracle Cheer Final Sickle
Pandit's Staff Chocobo Knife
Flametongue Diamond Aspis
Hebo's Spear Mutsu-No-Kami Yoshiyuki
Save the Queen III Premium Heart
Brave Blade III Yagyu Darkblade
Exeter Wizard's Rod
Ebisu Fishing Rod Abdhaljs Tome
Copy of "Judgment Day" Kupon AW-Kupo
Rank 2
Kupon A-OmII Kupon AW-UWIII
Kupon I-AF119 Kupon I-RME
Kupon AW-Vgr Kupon AW-VgrII
Kupon W-Pulse Kupon W-Job
Kupon A-DeII Kupon W-DeIII
Kupon AW-GFIII Wailing Belt
Shaper's Shawl Lu Shang's Fishing Rod
10,000 Byne Bill Ranperre Goldpiece
Rimilala Stripeshell Bayld Crystal
Dense Cluster Cat's Eye
Rank 3
Kupon AW-UW Kupon AW-Cos
Mog Pell (Ochre) Mog Pell (Marble)
Aucuba Crown Curmudgeon's Helmet
Retching Helmet Karakul Cap
Gazer's Helmet Kupon A-Sap
Kupon A-Jad Kupon A-Rub
Onion Sword II Demonic Axe
Hotengeki Brave Blade II
Grudge Chocobo Torque
Chocobo Rope Coffer (Pluton)
Coffer (Boulder) Coffer (Beitetsu)
Kupon I-Orche Promathian Tunes
Adoulinian Tunes Mars Orb
Rank 4
Bonanza Biscuit