Adventuring Fellow/Equipment

From FFXI Wiki

By leveling off of certain monsters, the visible gear (except for head which is chosen separately) that your Adventuring Fellow displays will change. As your Familiarity Level raises, you will be able to lock up to three gear slots. By spending Fellow Points, you are capable of increasing the fashion advice limit to four.

Equipment for your Adventuring Fellow is purely aesthetic and does not affect his/her stats.

There are 4 different armor types that your Adventuring Fellow's body, hands, legs, and feet armor can follow. The country that controls the region you are fighting in no longer has any control over which path your Adventuring Fellow's armor follows. Fellow equipment is now affected by the family of the monsters you kill.


  • It is unknown at this time which path your fellow's armor will wear if you kill dragons. There are conflicting reports regarding killing Beastmen, though it seems to be generally accepted that Goblins do not affect equipment at all. It's likely/possible that Beastmen do not affect at all, though any of their pets or elementals do. Please post findings in the discussion page.
  • It is unknown as of yet what causes one piece of armor level faster than another, though it may be random.

Heavy Armor Path

Scale mail and plate mail. Referred to as "Heavy armor" by Ajahkeem.

Light Armor Path

Leather armor, chain mail, and scale mail. Referred to as "Light armor" by Ajahkeem.

Mage Armor Path

Cloth attire. Referred to as "Mage gear" by Ajahkeem.

Freestyle Armor Path

Harness sets, subligaria and other random gear. Referred to as "Freestyle" by Ajahkeem.

Note: The level 12 "Black Trader" gear looks exactly like the Trader's Attire Set except Black, and not Red.