- Spawned after the Feeler Antlion uses the TP Move Sandblast.
- Feeler Antlion is spawned by trading an
Antlion Trap to the ??? at (F-10) in Attohwa Chasm.
- ??? Respawns every 15 minutes.
- Feeler Antlion will spawn an Executioner Antlion every time it uses Sandpit.
- Defeat these when they spawn, but keep Feeler Antlion alive until Alaster Antlion is spawned.
- Feeler Antlion has a noticeable Regen effect.
- Feeler Antlion will continue spawning Executioners Antlions after Alastor is spawned. You may want to leave it untouched on the tank until Feeler and any other adds have been handled first.
- From this point on, the fight is pretty straight forward. It requires a group of level 75s, but it can be handled eventually by an advanced level 75 group with a tank, some support Trusts, and a couple BLMs in the back.
- A couple tanks with healers and pet jobs will also work. BSTs may charm the Tracker Antlions in the area.
- Otherwise, this is a level 75 alliance fight for around two parties with two to three tanks, support, and DDs.
- Immune to Stun, Slow, Elegy, and Blind, but is stunable by Weapon Skills with the added effect of stun.
- Casts Breakga, Stoneskin, Stone IV, Stonega III, and Quake.
- Uses standard Antlion TP moves.
- Melee attacks have Additional effect: Petrify.
- Petrify is the main concern in this fight.
- Links the Tracker Antlions in the area if kited near them.