A. Voucher: Legs

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(Redirected from Ambuscade Voucher: Legs)
A. Voucher- Legs icon.png Ambuscade voucher: legs
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: An A.M.A.N. voucher that can be used to exchange for Ambuscade rewards. Possible Rewards: Sulevia's cuisses, Hizamaru hizayoroi, Inyanga shalwar, Meghanada chausses, Jhakri slops
Image: A. Voucher- Legs description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive
Stack size: 12
"Find A. Voucher: Legs on FFXIAH" "Find A. Voucher: Legs on FFXIDB"

Redeemed From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Festive Moogle Port San d'Oria - (J-9) Possible selection when redeeming a Mog Pell (Silver)
Festive Moogle Port Bastok - (J-13) Possible selection when redeeming a Mog Pell (Silver)
Festive Moogle Windurst Walls - (C-14) Possible selection when redeeming a Mog Pell (Silver)


Replaced with Ambuscade Chit: Leggear for Ambuscade Rewards, but can still be obtained via Mog Pell (Silver).

May be traded to Gorpa-Masorpa for one the following items per voucher: