- Has approximately 100,000 HP
- Immune to Stun but susceptible to other debuffs including Slow and Elegy.
- Has 100% Double Attack rate and uses two TP moves in a row whenever one is used.
- Has two forms:
- Four-legged form (100% to 75% HP)
- Highly resistant to physical damage.
- Guided Missile - Physical damage AoE. Absorbed by shadows.
- Ion Efflux - Conical paralyze.
- Target Analysis - Absorbs all stats. Absorbed by shadows.
- Pile Pitch - Does 90% of targets health in physical damage and resets hate on target.
- Rear Lasers - Magical AoE damage and petrification. Only used when hate pulled from behind.
- Two-legged form (< 75% HP)
- Highly resistant to magical damage.
- Guided Missile II - Physical damage AoE. Ignores shadows.
- Hyper Pulse - Magic damage AoE and gravity. Wipes shadows.
- Stun Cannon - Magic damage AoE and paralyze. Ignores shadows.
- Floodlight - Magic damage large AoE and Flash, Bind and Silence.
- Colossal Blow - Does 90% of targets health in physical damage and resets hate on target as well as knock-back.
- Laser Shower - Conical magic damage.
- Pod Ejection - Spawns a Gunpod. Used periodically in two-legged form regardless of TP.
- Gunpods have about 5,000 HP.
- Gunpods must be defeated within ~10 seconds or they will use Electrocharge to self-destruct and deal severe AoE damage (if they are being kited, this move can be outranged).
- Unlike those from Proto-Omega, these Gunpods have no drops.