Assistant Expedition 4 (Batallia)

From FFXI Wiki
Assistant Expedition #4 (Batallia)
 Entry Zone: Batallia Downs: Wotark, (J-8)
 Assistant Expeditions: #1 · #2 · #3 · #4 · #5
 Area Map: Ruhotz Silvermines, Map # 18
 Course: Assistant
 Objective: Vanquish enemies.
 Expedition Goals: 1:  Vanquish 7 enemies.
2:  Vanquish 14 enemies.
3:  Vanquish all enemies.
 Time Limit:  15 minutes
 Research Marks:

Goal 1:

  • 3 members: 833
  • 4 members: 1000
  • 5 members: 1166
  • 6 members: 1333

Goal 2:

  • 3 members: 1833
  • 4 members: 2200
  • 5 members: 2566
  • 6 members: 2933

Goal 3:

  • 3 members: 2700
  • 4 members: 3240
  • 5 members: 3780
  • 6 members: 4320
 Buff Rewarded:  Enhanced Treasure Hunter
  • ★☆☆ / ★★☆ / ★★★: Treasure Hunter +1


Name Level Aggro Link Spawns
Mudcaked Crawler 90 True Sound Yes 16
Battlegorged Wamoura 101 True Sound / Magic Yes 6
Predacious Wamouracampa 90 True Sound Yes Up to 6
Sanguinary Wamoura 105 True Sound / Magic Yes Up to 6


Meeb ast4bat.jpg


Expedition Map