August 2013 Version Update Notes

From FFXI Wiki

The August 2013 version update took place on Monday, August 5, 2013 from 10:00 to 11:30 (PDT).
A subsequent update is planned to take place in late August for the addition of new Skirmish content.

The August Version Update Makes a Monstrous Appearance! (08/05/2013)

The August Version Update Makes a Monstrous Appearance! (08/05/2013)

The August version update adds even more to the Seekers of Adoulin storyline, and, at long last, rune fencers and geomancers will be able to obtain their artifact equipment. Adventurers can now free their souls from its mortal trappings, and assume a new identity as a monster of Vana'diel in the brand-new Monstrosity content. Additionally, various adjustments have been made to stats for equipment with item levels, colonization and lair reives, and much more.

Read on for details!

An Announcement Regarding the Next Version Update (07/26/2013)

An Announcement Regarding the Next Version Update (07/26/2013)

In the version update scheduled for August 6 2013, we will be adding new Seekers of Adoulin missions, introducing the brand-new Monstrosity system, and, at long last, rune fencers and geomancers will be able to obtain their artifact equipment. Additionally, we will be making various adjustments to stats for equipment with item levels, colonization and lair reives, and much more.

Previously, we announced that the August version update would include new skirmishes and that additional adjustments would be made to certain coalition assignments so that bonuses would be granted depending on the distance to the objective. However, these elements will be introduced in an additional version update once they have undergone further testing.

The additional version update will be implemented in late August.

An announcement will be made regarding the details for the additional version update at a later time. We apologize for the delay and will continue to work hard so this content meets its new release date.

Monstrosity Page Unveiled! (07/25/2013)

Monstrosity Page Unveiled! (07/25/2013)

Prepare to free your soul from its mortal trappings, as this new content will give Vana'dielian adventurers a perspective they've never before experienced...that of a fiend! Forge both a name and a new identity for yourself as you amass a bestiary full of secondary forms to inhabit.

The site itself ennumerates a plethora of information, including the latest tidbits to learn and future scheduled features.

Float on over now to possess all the monstrous details.

Monstrosity (07/19/2013)

Monstrosity (07/19/2013)

The following thread has been updated with new information:

[dev1141] Monstrosity

Item Level Adjustments (07/19/2013)

Item Level Adjustments (07/19/2013)

A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forms:

[dev1153] Item Level Adjustments

Colonization Reive and Lair Reive Adjustments (07/19/2013)

Colonization Reive and Lair Reive Adjustments (07/19/2013)

A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forms:

[dev1154] Colonization Reive and Lair Reive Adjustments

Geomancy Special Effects Adjustments (07/19/2013)

A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forms:

[dev1155] Geomancy Special Effects Adjustments (Geocolure Spells)

The Summer of the Version Updates! (06/28/2013)

The Summer of the Version Updates! (06/28/2013)

This most sweltering of seasons is the time of wishing upon stars, listening to the crooning of songstresses supreme, and―this year―two version updates descending upon Vana'diel in close succession; one on July 9 and the other in early August.

Read on for the details on these alluring additions.

Monstrosity (06/14/2013)

Monstrosity (06/14/2013)

The following thread has been updated with new information:

[dev1141] Monstrosity

Monstrosity (06/07/2013)

Monstrosity (06/07/2013)

The following thread has been updated with new information:

[dev1141] Monstrosity

Monstrosity (05/31/2013)

Monstrosity (05/31/2013)

A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums:

[dev1141] Monstrosity