Aurum Coffer

From FFXI Wiki
Aurum Coffer icon.png Aurum coffer
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Description: Furnishing: A large golden coffer.
Image: Aurum Coffer description.png
Type: Furnishing
Flags: CanSendPOL, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive
Stack size: 1
Storage: <Element: Light STG:5>
Aura Strength: 7
Dimensions: 3x2, Tabletop
Moghancement: Moghancement: Money II
"Find Aurum Coffer on FFXIAH" "Find Aurum Coffer on FFXIDB"

Obtained From...
Special Event Notes
Winter Wonder Mog House Campaign (NA/EU) 666 given away via the contest on the Official Forums.
Winter Wonder Mog House Campaign (JP) 111 given away per day (for 6 days) via the Twitter Contest.
Only in Vana’diel Screenshot Campaign (JP) 111 given away per day via the Twitter Contest. (Maximum of 777)
Only in Vana'diel Screenshot Campaign (NA/EU) 111 given away per day via the Official Forums Contest. (Maximum of 777)
NPC Screenshot Campaign (JP) 111 given away per day via the Twitter Contest. (Maximum of 777)
My Favorite NPC Screenshot Campaign (NA/EU) 111 given away per day via the Official Forums Contest. (Maximum of 777)
Matsui-P and Me Screenshot Sweepstakes! (NA/EU) One of four possible selectable rewards. Given to 500 random winners via the Twitter Contest.
Mog Bonanza Past and/or Present Rank 3 prize choice


This item allows players to receive one random item every two weeks by talking to your Moogle inside your home nation's Mog House. This is similar to a free SP Gobbie Key, and anything flagged as "Obtainable from Goblin Box" can be obtained from your Moogle.

Please note that even if you place more than one coffer, you will still receive only one item.


Aurum Coffer Appearance.png