Ayame (UC)
Samurai / Warrior
Blade Bash, Sengikori, Hasso, Third Eye, Shikikoyo, Meditate
Weapon Skills
(5)Tachi: Jinpu / , (25)Tachi: Koki / , (50)Tachi: Mudo / , (60)Tachi: Kasha / , (70)Tachi: Ageha /
- Be a member of the Ayame Unity Concord.
- Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
- Possesses 5/5 Shikikoyo merits at level 75 (shared TP +48%)
- Skillchains
- Specializes in two-person 3-step or 5-step skillchains with the player, resulting in higher Skillchain damage and Magic Burst Damage Bonus with each step.
- Completes skillchains while using Sengikori if ready.
- Only closes skillchains started by the player (or their pet). Waits at 3000 TP until conditions are met.
- Always closes a higher level skillchain, ignores the skillchain if she can't.
- Due to the weapon skills available, cannot close skillchains started with Distortion or Fusion.
- Does not close Level 4 Light skillchains, Tachi: Mudo is only used to close Darkness.
- Always chooses Tachi: Ageha following a Detonation opener.
- Level 1 Chainbound (Status) will be closed by Tachi: Koki for Fragmentation.
- Abilities are used based on skillchain level and battle condition, so she may Meditate before a weaponskill instead of waiting for you to reach 1000 TP.
- Ayame's consistent weapon skill choice and timing make her a good choice for parties who want to set up magic bursts of a specific element boosted by Sengikori (+25% Magic Burst Damage).
- High TP gain rate with Hasso/Zanshin and >250 TP per hit depending on level of SAM Store TP trait.
- Tachi: Ageha is the 2015 version.
- Defense Down could need more TP and Magic Accuracy than the player's version to land on high-level enemies.
- Trust weapon skills have different IDs than the ones players use and have a separate implementation.
- When she has 2000+ TP, she uses Shikikoyo on the party leader after they use a weapon skill.
- After summoning Ayame, if she reaches 2000 TP before the party leader has used a weapon skill, uses Shikikoyo immediately.
- If she gets hate, uses Third Eye.
- Stuns enemies with Blade Bash, only to interrupt spellcasting.