Bataquiche +1

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Bataquiche Plus 1)
Bataquiche +1 icon.png Bataquiche +1
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: The flaky crust of this heavenly quiche will make a grown Galka cry.
Image: Bataquiche +1 description.png
Type: Usable Item
Flags: Can Use, NPC tradable
Stack size: 12
Guild Points: 184 (276) / 8,880 (48.26 items) (32.17 HQ items)
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Food ➞ Meals ➞ Vegetables
Valid Targets: Self
Activate Time: 1 second "Find Item on FFXIAH" "Find Bataquiche +1 on FFXIDB"

Synthesis Information
Yield Requirements Ingredients

Main Craft: Cooking - (57)

Food Effects
Duration: 60 Minutes
Effects: MP +10
Vitality -2
Agility +1
Ranged Accuracy +7% (cap 20)