Bhaflau Remnants II

From FFXI Wiki

  • The entrance area for Bhaflau Remnants II can be reached by using the southeast teleporter on the Nyzul Isle map of the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins.
  • Bhaflau Remnants II has far fewer monsters than the other Level 99 Salvage areas, and on floors 1 and 2, each monster has considerably more HP than monsters in the other zones. However, the primary unlock method in Bhaflau is via Runic Lamp rather than via defeating monsters. Each non-NM defeated on floors 1 and 2 yields 10 Runic Lamp uses on the next floor (i.e. clearing all 7 non-NM monsters on floor 1 will allow 70 Runic Lamp uses on floor 2). Defeating one of each type of monster will allow you to use the next floor's lamp to unlock that monster's associated restrictions, so it is possible to have a full party very close to fully unlocked at the Runic Lamp on floor 3.

Notorious Monsters & Drops

Notorious Monsters
Notorious Monster Location(s) Plans Dropped
Throat Tearer Tregotroq F1 (east) Ritualistic Plans x1
Silent Smotherer Silak F1 (west) Tutelary Plans x1
Smouldering Dahak F1 (center) Ritualistic Plans x1
Tutelary Plans x0-1
Troll Occultist F2 (center) Ritualistic Plans x1-2
Tutelary Plans x0-1
Troll Spellbinder F2 (northeast) Tutelary Plans x1-2
Ritualistic Plans x0-1
Troll Pugilist F2 (southeast) Tutelary Plans x1-2
Ritualistic Plans x0-1
Troll Guardian F2 (northwest) Ritualistic Plans x1-2
Tutelary Plans x0-1
Troll Huntsman F2 (southwest) Primacy Plans x1-3
Archaic Gear (NM) F4 (east) Ritualistic Plans x1-2
Tutelary Plans x0-1
Archaic Gears (NM) F4 (west) Tutelary Plans x1-2
Ritualistic Plans x0-1
Acrolith (NM) F4 (east) Ritualistic Plans x1-2
Tutelary Plans x0-1
Acrolith (NM) F4 (west) Tutelary Plans x1-2
Ritualistic Plans x0-1

Optimized Plans Farming

Note: On either path, the second Troll on F2 can be substituted for going west -> southwest to Troll Huntsman. This will reduce the available Ritualistic and Tutelary Plans but add 1-3 Primacy Plans to the total.

Ritualistic Plans

The following route will acquire 6-10 Ritualistic Plans and 0-5 Tutelary Plans. This is the best (and only) path for farming Ritualistic Plans in any area.

Tutelary Plans

The following route will acquire 4-11 Tutelary Plans and 2-6 Ritualistic Plans. This is the best path for farming Tutelary Plans in any area.

First Floor

1F Pathos Unlocks (Western Path)(Tutelary)
Enemies Unlocks
Wamouracampa Head/Neck, Rings/Earrings, Back/Waist
Wamoura Legs/Feet, Body, Hands
Moblin Poniardman Weapon, Ranged, Legs/Feet
Dahak HP, MP
1F Pathos Unlocks (Eastern Path)(Ritualistic)
Enemies Cell
Fly Head/Neck, Rings/Earrings, Back/Waist
Black Pudding Legs/Feet, Body, Hands
Moblin Armsman Weapon, Ranged, Body
Dahak HP, MP
Bhaflau Remnants 1F

Central Start Room

  • The initial Runic Lamp appears in this room.
  • From this room either the West or East path may be taken. Once a door to one of the paths is opened, the other will lock.

West Path

  • The first two rooms: Wamouracampa 1x (Total: 2)
  • Branching rooms (Southwest and Northeast): Wamoura 1x (Total: 2)
  • Northern square room and rectangle room: Moblin Poniardman 1x (Total: 2)

West path Notorious Monsters

Silent Smotherer Silak: Defeat the Moblin Poniardman in the large room in a certain amount of time.

East Path

  • The first two rooms along this path each contain one Fly. A Black Pudding is located at the ends of the halls which join the second room on the east and west sides.
  • The third room along the path and the fourth larger open room each contain one Moblin Armsman

East path Notorious Monsters

Throat Tearer Tregotroq: Defeat the Moblin Armsman in the large room in a certain amount of time.

Central Area

  • The final large room after the paths come together contains one Dahak.

Central Notorious Monsters

Smouldering Dahak: Defeat the Dahak within the central room, then open the door that grants access to the teleporter.

Second Floor

2F Pathos Unlocks
Enemies Unlocks
Troll Stoneworker Job Abilities, Sub Job, DEX
Troll Smelter Job Abilities, Sub Job, AGI
Troll Cameist Magic, Sub Job, MND
Troll Gemologist Magic, Sub Job, VIT
Troll Lapidarist Magic, Sub Job, STR
Troll Engraver Job Abilities, Sub Job, CHR
Bhaflau Remnants 2F

Central Area

  • The central loop will contain one each of Troll Stoneworker (SE), Troll Smelter (SW), Troll Cameist (NE), and Troll Gemologist (NW).
  • Notorious monsters in the corner rooms will only be spawned if the corresponding monster in the central area was killed prior to opening the door to leave the central area.
  • Once the door to the east or west past is opened, the opposite door will lock, and Troll Occultist (NM) will spawn in the northern room of the central loop (H-8).

East Path

  • The east path contains one Troll Lapidarist in the center area and two more Troll Lapidarists to the north and south. Opening the door to the northeast will lock the door southeast, and vice versa.

Northeast Room

Southeast Room

West Path

  • The west path contains one Troll Engraver in the center area and two more Troll Engravers to the north and south. Opening the door to the northwest will lock the door southwest, and vice versa.

Northwest Room

Southwest Room

Third Floor

3F Pathos Unlocks
Enemies Unlocks
Archaic Gear MND, AGI, DEX, HP
Archaic Gears STR, INT, VIT, CHR, MP
Bhaflau Remnants 3F

While the path you start in is restricted depending on where you teleported from 2F, the general layout of monsters is identical regardless of which direction you come from:

Fourth Floor

3F Pathos Unlocks
Enemies Unlocks
Archaic Gear MND, AGI, DEX, HP
Archaic Gears STR, INT, VIT, CHR, MP
Bhaflau Remnants 4F

The available path will be determined by which teleport was used on 3F.

Western Path

Eastern Path

Central Area

  • The room which connects both the east and west paths at H-9 contains three Archaic Gears 3x.
Cerberus: Within two minutes of opening the door, defeat the three Archaic Gears within the room which connects both the east and west paths at H-9. This pops an Archaic Rampart which uses Reinforcements to spawn Cerberus (NM). If you bring the rampart to too low of HP (under ~20%) too quickly, the rampart can have a significant delay (took over 10 minutes in one instance) in using Reinforcements. Cerberus gains considerable PDT- as the fight goes on unless magic damage is dealt; abilities and weapons which deal non-physical damage are extremely helpful later in the battle. Cerberus can use Gates of Hades below 25% HP.

Fifth Floor

If Cerberus was spawned on the fourth floor (whether or not it was defeated), the final boss, Orthrus Seether, will spawn upon entering the last room. If Cerberus was not previously spawned, it will spawn here instead of Orthrus Seether.

  • Both Cerberus fights are similar, and as noted above, weapons or abilities which deal non-physical damage can be extremely helpful.
  • Orthrus Seether can use Acheron Flame at low HP (<25%) and Gates of Hades at <50%.
  • Defeating Orthrus Seether yields the title Bolide Baron.