Blood of Heroes

From FFXI Wiki
Blood of Heroes
Required Fame Unknown
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Excenmille, Xarcabard (S)
Pack Wings of the Goddess
Title House Aurchiat Retainer
Repeatable No
Description Count Aurchiat lies dead, felled in an Orcish ambush that has left the Cardinal Stags severely weakened deep in the heart of enemy territory. The key to survival lies in a joint operation with the Iron Rams...
Previous Quest Next Quest
Songbirds in a Snowstorm Chasing Shadows
Ram Staff


In this BC you must fight 2 Bloodwing Deathrainers (BLM), 4 Bloodwing Maimers (WAR), a Bugard named Gherrmoga, and Kingslayer Doggvdegg (PLD).

  • You will be assisted by Excenmille; should he fall, the battle will instantly end in failure. Do not delay too long at the beginning, or he might run in and get himself killed.
    • Excenmille will occasionally use a skill called Stag's Cry that will give party members in range a temporary attack boost and magic attack bonus.
    • Excenmille will also do a weaponskill called Songbird Swoop that does damage.
  • Defeating Kingslayer Doggvdegg will end the fight regardless of the other NMs' health; however, his death may be prolonged due to Invincible.
    • A good strategy is to have someone kite Kingslayer Doggvdegg, and Elemental Seal + Sleepga the BLMs and WARs. Fight the the Bugard, then the BLMs, then the WARs, then finally fight Kingslayer Doggvdegg himself.
    • Kingslayer Doggvdegg will use Invincible and will occasionally gain a Stoneskin effect.
    • If you lose the battlefield, wait until the next Vana'diel day and return to the Animal Spoor to receive another Key Item Vial of military prism powder.

After the fight, examine the Wheel Rut back at (I-9) for a cutscene that ends the quest and your reward.

If you are working on missions then return to Fate in Haze.