Bugi Soden

From FFXI Wiki
Bugi Soden
Required Fame Outlands Fame Level: Unknown
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Ryoma - Norg (H-8)
Pack Rise of the Zilart
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Wield the katana given to you by Ryoma until it has been drained of its power. Only then will you be ready to inherit the knowledge of the ancient ninja masters.
Previous Quest Next Quest
None None
Katana skill 250+, Level 71


  • Breaking the Latent
Skillchain Level Trial Points
No Skillchain 1
Level 1 2
Level 2 3
Level 3 5
  • You'll know the latent is broken when the elemental resistances listed on the Kodachi of Trials description have disappeared from the elemental resistances in the equipment window. Your elemental resistances are listed underneath your equipped gear grid.
  • Take Silent Oil and Prism Powder with you and head to the Labyrinth of Onzozo. Once inside, follow the path to (H-9) and take the eastern tunnel. Continue northeast through the large room and take the tunnel at (J-8). In the next large room, curve around the eastern wall to the tunnel at (H-7); at the next intersection, head north. Continue north to the border of (I-5)/(I-6), where you will find the ??? to spawn the NM.
  • This fight is against Megapod Megalops, a crab. It is weak to Ice and Lightning attacks. Once you kill it, re-examine the ??? to receive the key item Annals of Truth.

Labyrinth of Onzozo-map.jpg

  • Go back and speak with Ryoma to receive your reward.


This fight can be carefully soloed by a 71NIN, and easily duoed with one support job - BRD, WHM, or RDM.