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Byrth's Dualboxing Guide
I'm far from an expert dualboxer, or any kind of boxer, but this is how I control my mule.
I use the Send addon and Shortcuts addon along with a few Windower scripts. Basically, I have it set up so I can hit Control-F1 and have my mule follow or stop following me, or Alt-F4 for Cure IV, Alt-F5 for Cure V, Control-F2 for double Marches, Control-F3 for March/Minuet, etc. It's like having a second macro bar that works for my mule. I'll say how I have it set up exactly and work through an example or two.
Setup and Scripts
So, download/enable the Send addon in the Windower Launcher. Next, we'll write windower scripts that go in the "Windower/scripts/" folder. My Cure IV script (c4.txt), for instance, is:
cure4 byrth;
To write a script, open Notepad, write something like that in, and save it into the scripts folder.
My double Marches+Haste (marmar.txt) script is a little more complicated (and isn't fine-tuned at all.)
victorymarch; wait 12; advancingmarch; wait 12; haste byrth;
Modifying your init.txt
Okay, so now you have some scripts! Time to learn how to call them! Open up init.txt from the "Scripts" folder.
Go down to your "binds." In this case, ^ means Control and ! means Alt, so ^f6 means Control F6 key. Personally, I choose to bind Control/Alt F1-6 to different JAs/etc for my mule. Like this:
bind ^f2 send mulename "\/\/exec marmar.txt"
The idea is, I hit Control-F1 (^f2) and Windower runs the marmar.txt script shown above. The silly \/\/ stuff is just to make it a windower command, it translates to "//" in game. You need it before the exec. Similarly, my Cure IV "macro" is:
bind !f4 send mulename "\/\/exec c4.txt"
So in order to get this working, you need Shortcuts and Send running on your mule and the correct binds set in your init.txt file. Binds tie the correct script to the right key combination, Send makes your bind commands meaningful and go the right place, and Shortcuts interprets the shortened/altered spell name that you use in your scripts ("advancingmarch" for instance).
I should note that it's just as possible to make this a regular macro. So if you put /console send mulename "\/\/exec marmar.txt" in a game macro with Send loaded and both Send and Shortcuts on the mule, it would work just fine.
I would recommend asking questions about problems that you've encountered trying to implement this in the BG Random question thread or GearSwap thread.