Category:Ascent Item

From FFXI Wiki

A special type of item used to increase your individual Spectral Alignment during Voidwatch Ops. These items are traded directly to Planar Rifts prior to engaging in a Voidwatch battle, and up to three of each can be traded prior to each battle. Once traded, the alignment bonus will remain in place until a battle is successfully completed (they do not need to be retraded after a failed battle).

Alignment Enhanced Red
Reward Quality
Reward Quantity
Cruor Yield
EXP Yield
Ascent Item & Alignment Bonus Rubicund Cell
150% per cell
150% cap
Cobalt Cell
150% per cell
150% cap
Jade Cell
75% per cell
75% cap
Xanthous Cell
75% per cell
75% cap

Pages in category "Ascent Item"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.