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Category:High-Tier Mission Battlefields/DivineInterference
Very Difficult
- DRK (or any dd)
- COR (DPS cor)
- WHM/SCH (Yag. preferred)
Killed in 8min 48 sec. Did full buffs at start including SV (Honor,March,MinV,MinIV,MinIII) and Bolster (Fury,Precision,entrust-refresh (on whm)). Typical COR Chaos/Sam rolls. DDs stood at front and just smashed his face in. Designate BRD for stona/paralyna, Geo keep haste on DDs, WHM focuses on cures. Once buffs were wiped, rebuffed at whm and resumed until dead. Alex hits like my grandma and drop rate sux balls. Good Luck!
- This setup was adopted by FFXIAH forum site, just adding it to BGwiki. Thank you to everyone who provided good infos for this HTBF on FFXIAH. May find forum at https://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/53891/alexander-htbf. Again, thanks everyone! -- 02:34, 11 August 2019 User:Kokomonsta
- Asylum can be used to block the dispel effect from Divine Judgment, which can extend the initial zerg at start.
- WAR (ML40, 5/5 Sakpata)
Trusts: Ulmia, Arciela II, Monberaux, Apururu, Moogle
Approximately 20 minutes, depending on Lost Gospel and full dispels. Savage Blade to prevent skillchains. Used omelette sandwich to shore up accuracy and bulk. Don't use Selh'teus, he'll make light and hinder progress. (2-5-2023)
VD has about 1.29 mil hp
- MNK Solo (ML50, mix of EMPY+3, R20 Mpaca, R15 God Hands)
Trusts: Ulmia, Monberaux, Apururu, Brygid, Sakura Land TH3 first. Howling Fist spam. Cycle through JAs. -- February 5, 2025 User:Peterjez
3box DRG/WAR, CORx2 (idle rollsairs) Yoran, Yoachim, Monbereaux. Rolls: Tactician's, Samurai's, Chaos, Miser's. Provoke to keep hate. Jump>Impulse Drive>Jump>Impulse Drive, repeat (best WS at 2k+TP) Keep trust and alts after Alexander. Easy, even boring fight 12-17 minute fight! --February 9, 2025 Clauz (Bahamut)
Hard solo on WAR/DRG. Selh'teus, Ulmia, Monberaux, Arciela II, Yoran-Oran. Hybrid gear with Farsha and Mistral Axe riding AM3, or Naegling and Savage Blade. Took over twice as long as Normal so I would not recommend this method, but it is possible. MNK or BLU would be better to solo the fight at this difficulty, no question. --Safiyyah (talk) 22:59, 27 January 2021 (EST)
Easy solo on WAR/DRG/SAM, ML15. Stay in Full Sakpata (R0), or speed it up in a hybrid set, but that may need actual checking in once a while
WAR/DRG is a bit more consistent, but WAR/SAM atleast has Hasso for when Haste is gone
Sehl'Teus, Ulmia, Qultada, Arciela II, Monberaux. After Arciela uses Haste II, I immediately disengage and dismiss, because when she's done with her Haste cycle, there's a good chance she'll Dia Alex, and make him reset. Koru and King are not good, they will immediately try to Dia.
After dismissing Arciela, you can go AFK, just press WS button once in a while.
Naegling / Shining One / Lycurgos, all 10-12 min fights, on N 8-10 mins. --NoScrying (talk) 17:40, 29 December 2022 (EST)
Master 22 MNK/WAR ~15 min fight using Howling Fist once over 1500 tp (With Impetus, Berserk, and Warcry active does about 14k-24k using Sakpata's fists)
- Trusts used were Selh'teus, Qultada, Ulmia, Karaha-Baruha, Monberaux in that order with popo con queso
Pulled with melee hit then warcry to start the fight and faced him away from trusts Chakra after Divine Judgment and Ulmia will ballad, Qultada will evokers for Karaha-Baruha
- have gotten Gospel of the Lost from usuing Arciella II and Sylvie(UC) so switch to this setup -- 4 January 2023
Difficult has around 920k hp
Easy Solo MNK/WAR or MNK/THF (takes longer) with Trusts.
- Used Selh'teus, Ulmia, Qultada, Arciela II, Ygnas summoned in that order.
- Use a Hybrid build.
Edit: *Chi Blast is not 100% safe to use. -- 21:40, 1 September 2019 User:Taint
The chi blast statement above is not 100% accurate. -- 13:42, 14 September 2019 User:Nitenichi
Very easy solo using the above Trust NPC on MNK/WAR. The addition of the Malignance set makes this fight a breeze. Expect a 8~10 minute battle.
Also easy solo on THF/WAR with the same. Use the Kaja Knife or the Tauret and spam Evisceration to avoid Skillchains.
Solo THF/WAR using Cornelia, Qultada, Monberaux, Ygnas and Joachim.
Do not use Sylvie as her entrusted Indi-Frailty counts as a debuff, and Alexander will repeated use Gospel of the Lost.
--Sulryn (talk) 19:41, 30 November 2024 (UTC)
NIN/WAR Solo with Trust easily.
Do not use ANY enfeebles on him or any trust that will enfeeble him. Recommended trust Ulmia, Selh'eus, Yoran, King Of Hearts and Qultada.
CyberLogic (talk) 22:07, 8 August 2019 (EDT)
Very Easy
DRK/SAM soloed with minimal difficulty with 119 III Apocalypse, Drain III, Endark II, and Valaineral, Ulmia, King of Hearts, Qultada, and Apururu as Trusts. Took about 15 minutes due to subpar gear, with high-tier equipment, it should go much faster. -- 1:18, March 1st, 2021 User:SouyoXander
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