Category:High-Tier Mission Battlefields/TheOrb'sRadiance

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Very Difficult

MNK/war - Normal DD job abilities. MNK melees in hybrid DD gear, nothing major.

RDM - Full debuff on Cloud of Darkness. Full buff on everyone.

WHM - Heal as usual, nothing fancy. Be careful to be in DT gear and be SIRD capped to be safe.

BRD - Honor March, Blade Madrigal, Valor Minuet V, Valor Minuet IV, Herculean Etude.

COR - Chaos / Sams

THF - TH slave

MNK is the only one to engage, other than the THF to build Treasure Hunter, but be careful not to feed too much TP. Remember to turn when he uses his glowing red eyes. If adds pop, just fight through them. They'll go to the healer probably, so just be careful to be in DT gear and be SIRD capped to be safe.

Fight should be around 6minutes~ Orangebear (talk) 02:31, 11 January 2025 (GMT)


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Duo DRK and WHM, E.

Attempted this blind as DRK, R0 Caladbolg/Sakpata with a decently geared WHM. Trusts were Sylvie/Ulmia/Koru/Selh. Selh died pretty quick on pull, the rest survived soon as I was able to pull CoD away.

Despite the obvious resistance to Drain (cause.. cloud of DARKNESS), the fight was going very well. Until around 61% that is, when she spawned 3 volto's within 30 seconds - Galka Galka Mithra. I don't know what triggered this, there wasn't 3 subsequent TPs moves or spells used.. they just started popping into existence. They hit fairly hard upwards of 250 on the trusts and WHM, and they gain TP fast.

BLU Strategies

Solo'd with trusts on E difficulty as BLU/WAR using the following strat:

Take boss to 80% HP at which point it will use Primordial Surge, subsequently, a red light will shine on it's head signaling that it is absorbing either physical or magical damage; as for now there is no known determinant for which damage type is chosen. At this point you can choose to continue damaging it if it is not absorbing your primary damage type, but do note that if it is not absorbing physical, it can still absorb skillchain damage so adjust your WS's accordingly. I chose to spam Savage Blade for this fight. It will end it's absorption phase with the use of Waning Vigor, which will unleash the stored absorbed damage back onto the player. I did note that this ability seems to be able to be kited. It looks like it spawns as a hitbox in front of the boss, and if you're not in that hitbox you won't take damage from it. More confirmation is needed.

After this first cycle of Primordial Surge and Waning Vigor, every single one of the bosses TP moves will begin spawning the Fomor adds. What I noted is the boss is capable of spawning a total of 6 adds throughout the fight. So what I did is I kept the boss above 50% HP so as to reduce the frequency of his TP usage (as below 50% and 25% HP enemies will use TP moves more frequently) and I proceeded to focus kill every Fomor enemy as they spawned - with this strat, you should not see more than one at a time provided you aren't feeding TP to the boss. Once I killed 6, I proceeded to push the boss below 50% HP and noted that it's TP moves no longer spawned any adds. At this point the fight is essentially just tank and spank. I subbed WAR just for provoke as the fomor enemies target the second player on the threat list and they tend to WS right off the bat, which results in a one shot on most non tank trusts, so I wanted a quick way to draw their attention.

Entire fight took 21min total, I am a Tizona BLU with Empy+3 however I mostly stuck to Naegling this fight. Trusts used: Ulmia/Jaochim, Koru-Moru, Apururu (UC), Selh'teus

Goldeagle (talk) 09:11, 2 February 2025 (UTC)

Very Easy

COR can solo with trusts. Ignore adds, SB it to death. Similar to Lilleth farming.

Can solo as blu/war with Savage Blade, would recommend killing the Taru and the Elvaan adds as they slow your damage down significantly.

The adds resist dream flower(as expected), Magic hammer works well on the boss for getting mp back.

Taru -> Encumbrance

Mithra- > Defense Down

Galka -> Plague

Hume -> Magic Attack down

Elvaan -> Attack down

Also solo'd as Cor/War, Mnk/war, and Blu/War. Blu kills the fastest with runs being 6-14 mins (Sometimes it died without summoning ads)

Trusts: Joachim, Ulmia, Koru-Moru, Ygnas, Monberaux

Magified (talk)

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