
From FFXI Wiki

General Notes
Japanese ナラカ
Type Undead
Typical Job
Crystal Dark Crystal icon.png Dark Crystal
Detects Sound HP
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 100% 87.5% 125% 125% 50% 50%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
100% 70% 70% 100% 40% 60% 70% 15%
A: Absorbs · S: Susceptible · R: Resists
During battle some monsters may change resistances.

100% denotates that a monster takes full damage.
Tiers of 50% or less guarantee a spell resist.


Ability Y' Area Target Type Copy Image.png Condition
Raksha Stance AoE Monster Magical Damage B
Gains -50% magic damage taken and erases status ailments. Dispels three status enhancements from players.
Raksha: Judgment AoE Monster Magical Damage B Raksha Stance
Damage, Silence, Amnesia, and Bind.
Raksha: Illusion Conal Monster Magical Damage B Raksha Stance
Damage, Paralysis, and Curse (-50% HP/MP).
Raksha: Vengeance AoE Monster Magical Damage B Raksha Stance
Damage, Muddle, and Weakness (1min).
Yaksha Stance AoE Monster Magical Damage B
Foe gains -50% physical damage taken and erases status ailments. Dispels three status enhancements from players.
Yaksha: Damnation Conal Monster Physical Damage ? Yaksha Stance
Damage, Magic Defense Down, and Defense Down
Yaksha: Bliss Conal Monster Physical Damage 3? Yaksha Stance
Damage Attack Down and Magic Attack Down.
Yaksha: Oblivion >21' AoE Monster Physical Damage B? Yaksha Stance
Damage, hate reset, all stat attributes down (-50% STR, DEX, etc).
Sakra Storm Conal Monster Magical Damage R
Damage, hate reset, Zombie, Paralysis, and Muddle.
Yama's Judgment AoE Monster Magical Damage R
Damage and inflicts a five-count Doom
Area: 1P, AoE, Gaze, Conal · Target: Player or Monster
Type: Physical-Magical-Breath-Buff · Element or Damage Type
Copy Image.png: Utsusemi shadows consumed (#), B Bypasses, but does not remove shadows, R Removes all shadows.


Notorious Monster


Event Appearances

Name Event Zone
Hahava Voidwatch King Ranperre's Tomb
Uptala Voidwatch Ve'Lugannon Palace
Soaring Naraka Legion
Hall of Im
Hall of Mul
Maquette Abdhaljs-Legion
Note: See the respective event/zone page. Mob names not listed here due to excess cases (ex: Campaign).
Name Event Zone
Tapana Eleventh Walk Walk of Echoes
Kalasutrax Voidwatch Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Paramount Naraka Legion
Hall of Mul
Maquette Abdhaljs-Legion
Note: See the respective event/zone page. Mob names not listed here due to excess cases (ex: Campaign).

Pages in category "Naraka"

The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total.