Category:Protect Spell

From FFXI Wiki

Protect GUI.png Protect Spells are a long-lasting (30 minutes) buff used to increase defense. There are two varieties of Protect spell:

Enhancing Gear

There are currently two pieces of gear (Brachyura Earring and Sheltered Ring) that enhance Protect potency when worn while receiving the spell effect. So, if you were in a party of 6 people and only one player was wearing the enhancing gear, only that player would receive the effect enhancement.

  • The effects from these two items do not stack.
  • Wearing both items would only give the effect of one item.
Protect Spell Tier Defense Enhancement
I 2
II 4
IV 8
V 10

Paladin & Shield Barrier Trait

At level 70, Paladin gets access to Shield Barrier trait which increases the Defence boost of Protect Spells cast by a Paladin by the amount of DEF the equipped shield has.

  • e.g. a shield with DEF: 130 would make a PLD's Protect V give a total of +350 (220 + 130) Defense.

A level 70+ Paladin can cast Protect V to all members of the party within range and bonus applies to all party members. This makes Paladin Protect V more potent than a WHM.

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Pages in category "Protect Spell"

The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.